Need Help


Right now me and a good friend of mine are having a fight. The fight started a couple weeks ago and since then she said she feels pretty comfortable with me again.

Today she was saying how she had no real friends and I said what about me (I had completely forgotten about the fight) and then she started to use what I said that started the fight against me and now I'm trying to prove why I want to be good friends with her and how I know what I said was terrible and that I regret it. She;s saying how anything people say in the heat of the moment are 87% true in terms of what that person thinks of the other person.

I've been trying to tell her that I care about her and how I'd do anything for our friendship.

At this point she's not realy listening to anything and continually saying whatever weather it's logical or not.

Any advice.

If you want to read what was said on our most recent AIM session PM me and I'll show you a copy.

Pkease Help Me.
Hmm. Are you doing this all over aim? I think you should sit down with her in person and talk about it. That way it's more personal and it shows you care enough to go over to her place and talk. Look her straight in the eye and say you're sorry and you didn't mean what you said.

Ask her to forgive you, but let her know that forgiving you doesn't mean your relationship will go back to normal. You 'broke' the relationship a bit so now you need to 'repair' it. Make it up to her. I don't see why she wouldn't want to give you another chance if you show how much she means to you.

Hope that helps. o_O I learned the whole forgiveness thing in school but I think it actually makes sence. :lol:
I think the most you can do right now is just give her some space. I've been in situations like that before and us gals are vicious :lol: She'll calm down once she accepts everything that happened. I think she'll realize that you really are a good friend because you're trying to apologize and make things right. Everyone tends to say things they don't mean in the heat of the moment. Girls just don't forget :lol:

So I would just give her some space right now and let her calm down. That's really all you can do. And if she doesn't come to her senses eventually? Her loss.
What about the saying she forgives me and then about a week later using the entire thing against me.

Now I'm not sure if I want our friendship to even continue after the way she's acting about this entire thing.
hope you dont mind me joining in :)
what i would do is this...
i would say look, i told you i was sorry for what i said, and i really meant it, we all say things that we dont mean and regret in the heat of the moment, you say that you havent got any real friends, but if you keep throwing peoples mistakes in their faces then the people who care about you, will not want to bother with you...then like someone else previously said, i would give her space....i wouldnt contact her or talk to her...if she is worth having as a friend then she will eventually contact you once she calms down...if not, well sometimes we lose friends and have to make new ones :)
Calihan said:
What about the saying she forgives me and then about a week later using the entire thing against me.

Now I'm not sure if I want our friendship to even continue after the way she's acting about this entire thing.

See, that's another thing us girls do :p We lie. A lot :rolleyes: Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do until she cools down and just takes a chill pill. If it continues, like you said, I would probably consider not staying friends with her. There's only so much you can do, and if someone treats you like dirt, then there's no reason to keep them around in your life.
quoth_the_raven said:
Calihan said:
What about the saying she forgives me and then about a week later using the entire thing against me.

Now I'm not sure if I want our friendship to even continue after the way she's acting about this entire thing.

See, that's another thing us girls do :p We lie. A lot :rolleyes: Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do until she cools down and just takes a chill pill. If it continues, like you said, I would probably consider not staying friends with her. There's only so much you can do, and if someone treats you like dirt, then there's no reason to keep them around in your life.
Yup. And yeah, we hold grudges for a long time. :p So just talk to her face to face and if she still doesn't forgive you, back off for a while. But don't lose sleep over it. She's obviously over reacting. BUT DON'T TELL HER THAT. :lol: Never tell her that or she will eat you. :p
^ Exactly :lol: Never, ever tell a girl that they're in the wrong because they shall hate you for eternity :rolleyes: But yeah, like sandersidle said, I do think she's overreacting. Most people do in those situations, but just let her chill and she should (in theory ;)) cool down.
I had an arguement with my "best friend" a few days ago. I didn't handle it well at first and got just as angry as she did, which didn't help matters. Just give her some time and space to cool off like sandersidle said, cause if you're both pissed aout this, it's gonna stay heated and nothing's gonna get sorted rationally, and at the same time think about stuff, try and think about what you're feeling, and then try and see things from her side as well.
About using the thing she forgave you for, against you... yeah that sounds pretty harsh, and not very fair, but try and see things from her point of view again... she might feel uncomfortable and might be putting up defenses for some reason. I've been through a very very similar situation a few days ago, so if you want anyone to speak to or any more help or anything i'm a PM away. I hope you get things sorted out. :)

Oh and I wanna back up what Quoth said, don't tell a girl she's wrong. :lol:
About not telling a girl she's wrong I guess I should be happy that I'm single cause that would not go over well given my personality.

With this whole thing based on how she's acting I'm not sure I want to continue our friendship because she's not acting logically.