Natalee Holloway


About an hour ago the exclusive reportage of Natalee Holloway was finished here in Holland. As you probably all know, Dutch crime reporter Peter R. de Vries put up an hidden camera operation to get a confession by Joran van der Sloot on tape. It was done with the help of a man who invested months in getting the trust of Joran.

This turned out to be a shocking story. He confessed multiple times, everytime more detailed. It turned out he and Nata;ee went to the beach, about 100 metres from where he said they went to the beach. There they kissed and 'pleased' each other (they didn't have (oral) sex). On the beach she started seizing due to causes unknown. After that Joran supposed she was dead, and called a friend (his name is Daury and wasn't questioned by the police) to dispose of her remains. While his friend dropped her body somewhere in the ocean, Joran went home to think about what he should say when he would be questioned. There are two things that were shocking the hear. First, Joran used a plural form when he talked about who helped him. His father might be a person who helped out, since he pulled some strings for him during the investigation. The second thing is much more disturbing. They disposed of her remains, without even knowing she was dead. She might just have been in a coma. In that case it would mean that she was killed when she was dropped into the ocean.

All the footage that was made, showed that Joran is an absolute monster. He said he went home to sleep: he didn't even have a sleepless night! Plus he only felt bad for himself, that he got into this situation! He also kept talking about how he could make money from this. And if that wasn't bad enough, he spoke in a horrible fashion about Natalee.

At the end Natalee's mom, Beth Twitty, was shown the footage. She was absolutely shocked that Joran talked about Natalee like that and that he disposed of her body without even knowing whether she was dead or not. She also couldn't believe that Joran didn't feel anything and that he didn't even lost a night of sleep over it.

It was a very shocking story, and I'm sure you'll all find it too when it will be spread all over the world tomorrow.
I would just like to wish all the support to Beth and all the other relatives and friends of Natalee's.
We'll see how it all ends. There still needs to be a trial and as far as it's been known Joran v.d. Sloot hasn't even been arrested.

All they have is a "confession" as it seems. That friend who Joran claims to have helped him may not even have been on Aruba during Natalee's dissapearance. There are still loose ends to consider as well.

I wish all the support to everyone that got killed ever and their family and friends... Imho this case has also been to much of a hype.

ETA: If anyone cares: the interview and footage is bought by ABC in the USA and will be shown later this day...

ETA2: Joran has not been arrested because the undercover camera footage does not meet the high standards for evidence... There is also not known if she died during a seizure or that she was thrown overboard by Joran as he says because her body has never been found and all what he said on tape cannot be proven because they just don't have a body.

They should have Grissom, Horatio and Mack handle the case ;)
i saw it sunday,just like evereyone else who live in the neterlands.

it was really shoking,who joran is alking about his friends,the police.officer,justition,and of course woman,i think he must shame his self.

he got from the one woman to the other,what does he think we women are feeling about that.

and then daury even have a boat,everething he does is lying what if that whole hidden camera operation what joran ever sat is whole aw lie.
then he is totally crazy.

and think he dropped her in the sea,i must something to think,and else i don't now.

i hope we get soon as possible awn awnser at all the questions.
They broadcasted it here yesterday too. The guy's got some nerves. The way he talked about her, really annoyed me. He was so cold, so emotionless. The longer I watched him talk, the sicker I got. I hope he gets arrested soon. I mean, they got video footage of him literally confessing to killing her. If that isn't hard evidence, then what is? :confused:
_Hush_ said:
They broadcasted it here yesterday too. The guy's got some nerves. The way he talked about her, really annoyed me. He was so cold, so emotionless. The longer I watched him talk, the sicker I got. I hope he gets arrested soon. I mean, they got video footage of him literally confessing to killing her. If that isn't hard evidence, then what is? :confused:

without a body nobody can prove anything what he has said on the tape and the video cannot be admitted as evidence so far. and because the part of his partner in crime not even being at aruba or owning a boat makes the whole tape a possible big lie. and he likes the attention so maybe that is why he "confessed"...
I've followed this tragc case from the onset and it always goes back to Joran.. he's a little creep a sociopath a narcissist, a big fat liar, & a cold blooded killer. The thing is we'll never really know what happened.. he's got everyone chasing their tails, his stories change like the wind.. he'll probably never be proscuted, that "so called friend" who disposed of her body, wasn't even in Aruba when Natalle disappeard.. another lie.. and on and on :(