My First Ever CSI:New York Fanfic


If there's a fourth season of CSI:NY then I've made up a fake episode for it. It contains Murder
Part 1 out of 5
CSI: New York Season 4 Episode 1
Title Name: Teenage Kicks
(Proper Education is playing and it shows pupils walking in and out of school before it shows a French classroom where the teacher opens the door to see a naked boy found savagely beaten up and Life Is Short, Make It Count is written on blood on the whiteboard) (Enter Mac and Flack)
Mac: Who Called It In?
Flack: Mrs. Fletcher
(Mac Looks At the Dead Naked Body)
Mac: Someone got more than a French kiss.
(The Theme Tune Plays)
(Enter Stella, Danny and Det. Angell)
Stella: So who is the Vic?
Angell: Hugo Burkly
Danny: I’ve got a fingerprint on the body.
Stella: Take it back to the lab.
(Shows Stella and Mac take pictures of the classroom and the body)

(In the autopsy room)
(Enter Sid and Mac)
Mac: COD
Sid: Blunt Force Trauma.
Mac: Using What?
Sid: Their Feet but I’ve found some toenails in his mouth.
Mac: Can I bring it back.
Sid: Sure

(In the lab)
(Enter Stella and Lindsay)
Stella: Do you have the results for the fingerprint yet.
Lindsay: Yes and it belongs to a Mrs Kimberley Fletcher
Stella: The French Teacher
Lindsay: Yep
Stella: Thanks

(Stella picks up her cell phone)
Stella: Flack I think we should have a talk with The French Teacher.
At long last the second part of an epic thriller it may contain some scenes of strong language enjoy.
Part 2 out of 5
(In the interrogation room)
(Enter Stella, Flack and Mrs Fletcher)
Stella: Where were you at the time Hugo was murdered.
Kimberley: In the staff room
Stella: Then why are your fingerprints on his neck.
Kimberley: Because…
Flack: Because what.
Kimberley: Because I was having an affair with him ok.
(Do flashbacks on Those 2 kissing)
Kimberley. Can I go now?
Stella: Yes you can but don’t go far.

(In The Lab)
(Enter Mac and Danny)
Mac: Have you found out where he lives yet?
Danny: Yep he lives in a 235 Amsterdam..
Mac: Let’s go there then.

(At 235 Amsterdam)
(Enter Mac, Stella, Det. Flack, Jack and Jade)
Mac: Mr and Mrs Burkly I’m sorry for your loss.
Jack: Call me Jack and her Jade Detective.
Jade: My poor Hugo, my poor baby.
Stella: I know how you feel.
Jade: No, you don’t, no you don’t, no you can’t possibly feel how I feel.
Flack: this might be a bad time but we need your fingerprints and DNA.
Jack: Why?
Mac: To knock you out as a suspect.
Jade: (Shouting) you think we’re suspects.
Stella: No we don’t think your suspects but it’s standard procedure.
Jack: Oh, we understand ok we’ll give you our fingerprints and DNA.
Jade: We’ll do anything as long as you put the bastard who done this behind bars.
Stella: We’ll promise we’ll do this.