Music from Episode 505: Death Eminent

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Does anybody know the name, group, or mix of the song that was used in the opening part of CSI: Miami, Episode 505, the music that was playing right before we see the councilman die...
It sounds like there's sining in it..."sweet release"?
So, if anybody could tell me the name of the song, name of the group, or the name of the mix, that would be greatly appreciated! :)
Hello and welcome to Talk CSI chroya120981.

I'm just going to move this thread over to our Music Forum, and hopefully someone there will be able to help you out. :)
I haven't, I even tried to contact CBS a week ago to see if there was anybody I could contact to find out, but they never responded...that was a week ago. CBS sucks, they're not very viewer-oriented... :)
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