Murder Tips The 'Scales'

CSI Files

Tricks don't always lead to treats.<p>According to CSI Files sources, the fourth episode of <I>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</I> will be called "Scales". The episode opens inside of a Gas 'N Sip store. The cashier hands an older man his change, but the man complains that it isn't correct. The cashier gave him change for a ten, and he's sure he paid with a twenty. <p>The cashier is adamant that the man only paid with a ten. The old man, however, is making a scene. He gestures to the cop standing impatiently behind him, threatening to bring him into the situation. Meanwhile, a teenager is lurking in the back of the store. He checks on the gun under his coat and watches the scene unfold at the counter. If the cop would just leave…<p>Outside, Nick and Riley Adams are walking on the sidewalk in their CSI vests. Nick hangs up his cell phone and tells Riley they've got a scene to process after they grab a cup of coffee. In the distance, a man with a tomahawk stuck in his back is lurching toward them--is this a victim? As Nick and Riley get closer, the man with the tomahawk is revealed to be wearing a cowboy costume. It's Halloween, and there are decorations in the window of the Gas 'N Sip.<p>Nick and Riley pass another costumed person on the sidewalk: a woman dressed as a mermaid. The woman compliments the CSIs for their 'costumes'--that's what she dressed up as last year. Nick and Riley share a laugh. The cowboy with the fake tomahawk wound gets closer as the doors to the Gas 'N Sip suddenly burst open. The cop comes running out with a bag in his hand, gun drawn. The cashier screams from inside that he was just robbed. It seems this guy isn't a real cop at all--he's wearing a costume too.<p>The robber knocks Nick, Riley, the cowboy and the mermaid down, and the two CSIs scramble to their feet and give chase. They pursue the man down the street and into an alley. They're cautious, moving carefully to stay covered in case the robber decides to start shooting. Nick and Riley stay safe, but the robber isn't so lucky.<p>Meanwhile, the body of a young woman is found in a dumpster full of glass. She turns out to be the daughter of a major drug lord wanted by the FBI, the CIA and the DEA. Surveillance footage reveals that two bouncers forcibly removed her from a club, so Catherine and Riley head there to speak to the owner. Much to Catherine's surprise, she finds Lindsey on the dance floor. She got inside with a fake ID, and when Catherine goes up against the owner of the club, she's more determined than ever to prove he's done something wrong.<p>Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown. <p> "Scales" is expected to air October 30 on CBS.<center></center>
This new "Riley" character sure has a lot of scenes. How great, except not really! Whaddya want to bet she looks good in tight clothing? Good way to keep the male viewers anyway.
This new "Riley" character sure has a lot of scenes. How great, except not really! Whaddya want to bet she looks good in tight clothing? Good way to keep the male viewers anyway.

Hmm...I thought I read somewhere that the viewership was primarily women. What's wrong CSI? Can't manage without the the white,male hormonal viewers.:rolleyes:

Oh of course she's wearing tight-fitting clothing Toots. Isn't what CSIs wear in the real world? Oh they don't? OH yeah, most of the time they wear regular clothes.

Okay, I thought her name was Bryce Adams-what did they change it again.

I think Destiny was right, time to get into the real world.

I'm sorry, but I'm not warming up to this character. Why didn't they add an older woman into the show?
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