Miniture Photos!!

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Police Officer
Wow! Thanks for sharing your pics Lefty. :)

Grissom's office is pretty cool. :D

Wow! Thanks for sharing those pics Leftyguitar!! It must have been so cool to be there and be able to look at them up close!!
I want a tiny Grissom office!!! :lol:
I don't recall seeing the door though it may just be the angle. At the exbhit itself, there was a large version of the office, but that did have a locked door and Billy Peterson wasn't in it. :(

I got a quick photo of that, too.

the boss' office :D
thats sooo awesome-i'm jealous i went to that muesuem last year-obiously just 1 year to late!

the pictures are amazing anyhow!
Wow. Nice Photos!

I went to the exhibit in Chicago this past summer, but did not see or notice any mention of the Miniatures there.
I am bummed I didn't get to see them. Maybe they will be on display when the exhibit comes to my area--St. Paul--next Spring. I thought they were auctioned off and the proceeds went to charity??
damn..I want to go there, too!!!! but chicago is too far away from I think, I won´t see the exhibit ever. can someone tell me what else U can see there?
At the exhibit itself there are 3 crimes to solve. You get to pick one and be a CSI to solve it. Along the way you learn a lot bout different areas in forensic science. It took my group about forty five minutes to solve our case and it was a lot of fun.

It also ends in a gift shop, with CSI merchindise like hats, T-shirts, as well as books on forensics.

I'm not sure if the miniatures are staying in Boston, but they were on display there. Maybe the Museum of Science bought them? :confused:
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