'Miami' Returns To The 20th Century

CSI Files

One CSI's future remains uncertain as a window is opened into the past.<p>According to CSI Files sources, the premiere of <I>CSI: Miami</I>'s eighth season will pick up where the season seven finale ended. Eric Delko has been found, but things don't look good for the CSI. He has a bullet fragment lodged in his brain, and the EMTs work hard to keep him alive in the ambulance as they rush him to the hospital.<p>Former ME Alexx Woods (<font color=yellow>Khandi Alexander</font>) is in the emergency room, and she has to deliver the news: if they don't remove the bullet fragment from Eric's brain, he doesn't have much of a chance. But the surgery is risky, and Calleigh is reluctant to tell the doctors to go ahead with it. The decision is on her shoulders, and Horatio tells her to do whatever Eric would want her to do.<p>As the surgeons get to work trying to save Eric's life, the hands of the clock turn back to reveal how it all began for the Miami-Dade crime lab. It's 1997, and things look very different than they do in 2009. Eric can be found along a stretch of road in the Everglades, driving a tow truck rather than a Hummer. He pulls a car out of the water, and the trunk pops open on its own. Eric leans forward and spots a dead woman inside. Disgusted, Eric returns to his tow truck and uses the CB radio to get in contact with the police. He tells them he has something Detective Horatio Caine would like to see.<p>Horatio arrives with his partner, Detective Jack Sullivan. The younger Horatio is a homicide detective wearing a tie, and his trademark sunglasses are nowhere to be seen. The detectives start to investigate the murder once they have identified the victim as Amy Wallace. Her husband Steve is distraught, and he tells the detectives that he has been out of town on business. Jack, better known as Sully, isn't convinced by the husband's story. He can smell bleach in the house, and Steve can't provide a solid alibi for the last 24 hours.<p>Amy was killed by a gunshot to the back of her head. Alexx, still a coroner in 1997, removes the bullet and gives it to Horatio. The bullet is the same size and type as the bullets Horatio and Sully found at the victim's house. The husband denies owning a gun, insisting that he got rid of it at his at his wife's request--he just forgot to get rid of the bullets.<p>Horatio and Sully form very different opinions about the case. Sully is convinced that the husband did it, but Horatio has a different theory: he thinks the gardener looks good for the murder. Their differing conclusions about the case lead to even more divergent ideas about how they should investigate Amy's murder. Sully is happy with good old-fashioned police work, but Horatio wants to make use of some of the latest scientific advances to prove who committed the crime.<p>More familiar faces can be found around the department. Calleigh Duquesne is the new girl, freshly transferred from Liberty City and trying to keep a sweet smile on her face as the guys in the department give her a hard time for being a woman. She isn't pleased with the tiny, unimpressive ballistics lab, but she quickly finds her niche working with Horatio.<p>Tim Speedle (<font color=yellow>Rory Cochrane</font>), the CSI that was killed in the season three opener, <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/miami/season3/lost_son.shtml">"Lost Son"</a>, is working with Horatio on the case when he runs into a teenaged Ryan Wolfe. Ryan is in the Junior Officers group, and he admits that he wants to be just like Speed some day. During the investigation, Speed calls on a woman he knows at the Miami Bureau of the FBI, Natalia Boa Vista.<p><A class="link" HREF="http://ausiellofiles.ew.com/">Ausiello</a> reports that Alexander has been confirmed to appear in the premiere, but it has not been revealed whether Cochrane will return to reprise his role during the flashback. "We're talking to Rory right now about coming back," executive producer <font color=yellow>Ann Donahue</font> explained. "We don't know if it's going to happen yet." <font color=yellow>Kim Delaney</font> was a series regular during <I>Miami</I>'s first season, but her character Megan Donner is not scheduled to appear in the episode. "We love Kim [but] we didn't approach her to do this," Donahue said. "We [may] mention that Megan is on a task force in Tallahassee."<p>Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown. <p> The season eight premiere of <I>Miami</I> will air September 21 on CBS. Ausiello's information about the casting is from <A class="link" HREF="http://ausiellofiles.ew.com/2009/07/ask-ausiello-spoilers-on-gossip-fringe-greys-etc.html">here</a>.<center></center>
Tim Speedle, the CSI that was killed in the season three opener, "Lost Son", is working with Horatio on the case when he runs into a teenaged Ryan Wolfe. Ryan is in the Junior Officers group, and he admits that he wants to be just like Speed some day.
I hope they get Rory to come back for this one - I'd love to see the scene between Speed and wee!Ryan. :p
Oh my God, oh my God! *Squeals* Alexx is coming back!!!! So is Speed; I missed these two so much.:(

Why is Eric always the one whose life is always in danger? Not that I want Ryan or anyone for that matter to get nearly killed...but...*sighs*

And bullet lodged in his brain...again...recycling used stories much, TPTB? *Raises eyebrows*

Horatio without his Shades of Justice?:wtf: :eek: Shocking. Is that even possible?:confused::guffaw:

I can't wait to see how Ryan interacts with Speed.:p

This sounds pretty good and promising!:) The make-up people better get 10 punds of make-up for David.:guffaw:I'm so mean...:rolleyes: Now, if they were only spoilers for the premier of New York...I need my spoilers, grr.:lol:
Ok, so, I just saw some updated spoilers (I think they were literally updated today - I wish I'd seen them before I finished the spoiler report, but oh well...).

It looks like maybe things fell through with Rory since Speed isn't mentioned in the updated spoilers - although I guess we can cross our fingers that they'll get him to come in for this episode. I'm not holding my breath (he didn't seem enthusiastic about it in the quote we got not too long ago), but it would be nice.
See I was kinda thinking/hoping Eric wouldn't have been shot. Poor guy's already got a bullet fragment lodged in his head still. I was thinking that he may have hit his head really really hard on the steering wheel. He could have still needed surgery to relieve the pressure caused by that head injury. Maybe I'm in denial that my favorite character actually shot him. ***Goes to comfort Calleigh***
I really hope that this premiere will come through and be good and that the season will be a great one.

**Going back on my earlier posting - maybe they are referring to the original fragment from when he was shot previously and that fragment is wreaking havoc on his brain because of hitting his head**
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okay, seriously, just how many bullets can Eric take to the brain and continue to live? :rolleyes: I'm sorry, I hate to be a sour note the symphony but seriously this is getting borderline stupid. I'm really getting to the point where I don't know why I even bother with wanting to give this show another chance.

I might watch it for Rory as I would like to see him, but seriously, the "Eric is shot in the head and may die" story has been done and now apparently overdone.

They need new writers for Miami, people that can come up with something fresh and new.
Ah - you know, that may very well be the case if he still has a fragment in there from the original shooting. It would make sense if an existing problem is exacerbating a new injury. I didn't think about that when looking at the spoilers originally, but it could fit with what we know. :)

Another thing I noticed when looking around is that other stuff has been changed from the original spoilers I was using to write this report - Ryan meets Calleigh rather than Speed. Also, it looks like Natalia might not be the one helping them out at the FBI.

I'm so rusty with spoilers. :lol: Lesson learned: double-check that things haven't been updated before you post a spoiler report. I'll have to keep track of the differences so I can write up an article of some sort to post on the site soon...
I think the bullet fragment in his brain this time is the same one from the first shooting a few years earlier. I think the car crash just pushed it into a different part of his brain and now it's causing problems, so they'll have to do surgery to try to remove it. I don't think Calleigh hit him (especially not in the head) when she accidentally shot at him. I think she only hit the car, which may have caused him to go off the road. Or it's possible that after he left that scene, some of the Russians were chasing him and Sharova and they could have shot Eric. :shrugs: I guess we'll have to wait and see. :)
The thing that I'm most curious to see (besides Speed's possible return) is the come-back of the human Horatio, and not the Robot Horatio. Just to see if David Caruso actually meant to have his character so emotionless, so inhuman, or if he actually grew into it (badly, if I may add) over the years.
Ah - you know, that may very well be the case if he still has a fragment in there from the original shooting. It would make sense if an existing problem is exacerbating a new injury. I didn't think about that when looking at the spoilers originally, but it could fit with what we know. :)

I bet that's it--the bullet fragment in his brain got dislodged in all the action. They've been foreshadowing that for a while IIRC--I distinctly remember some reference to the possibility that the fragment could move and endanger his life at any time.

Another thing I noticed when looking around is that other stuff has been changed from the original spoilers I was using to write this report - Ryan meets Calleigh rather than Speed. Also, it looks like Natalia might not be the one helping them out at the FBI.

Damn, that is too bad. Sounds like they really weren't able to get Rory. :( I agree that a big part of the fun of the episode would have been seeing Speed. I wonder if it was a movie/TV conflict or if he just flat out said no.
Damn, that is too bad. Sounds like they really weren't able to get Rory. :( I agree that a big part of the fun of the episode would have been seeing Speed. I wonder if it was a movie/TV conflict or if he just flat out said no.

That quote from him that we got recently makes me think he wasn't interested. :lol: I could be wrong and he could have just been being tricky or something, but that's the way I interpreted it. :lol:
i found it really interesting that there gonna have a teenaged ryan. : DD haha thatd been freakin sweet. ANYWOO... im just praying that they keep eric or im gonna be soooooo mad its not even funny.
okay, seriously, just how many bullets can Eric take to the brain and continue to live? :rolleyes: I'm sorry, I hate to be a sour note the symphony but seriously this is getting borderline stupid. I'm really getting to the point where I don't know why I even bother with wanting to give this show another chance.

I might watch it for Rory as I would like to see him, but seriously, the "Eric is shot in the head and may die" story has been done and now apparently overdone.

They need new writers for Miami, people that can come up with something fresh and new.
this person here is thinking the exact same way i am. its getting REALLY old and honestlythe worst thing that happen to ryan is she was shot in the eye with a nail gun and his life wasnt in danger (im not saying i want his life in danger) GARRRRRR!!!
okay, seriously, just how many bullets can Eric take to the brain and continue to live? :rolleyes: I'm sorry, I hate to be a sour note the symphony but seriously this is getting borderline stupid. I'm really getting to the point where I don't know why I even bother with wanting to give this show another chance.

I might watch it for Rory as I would like to see him, but seriously, the "Eric is shot in the head and may die" story has been done and now apparently overdone.

They need new writers for Miami, people that can come up with something fresh and new.
this person here is thinking the exact same way i am. its getting REALLY old and honestlythe worst thing that happen to ryan is she was shot in the eye with a nail gun and his life wasnt in danger (im not saying i want his life in danger) GARRRRRR!!!

They need to give Natalia a storyline. Every character currently on the show has had an "in danger" storyline besides her. The worst that happened to her physically was that tiny cut she got when that glass table broke in the lab or whatever. I mean yeah, she had the storyline where she was accused of killing Nick Townsend, but that was eons ago and she wasn't in physical danger. :lol: