'Miami' Gets Turned 'Inside Out'

CSI Files

A criminal is on the run, and things get personal for Horatio in the fourth episode of CSI: Miami's sixth season.

According to CSI Files sources, "Inside Out" begins with a crowd waiting outside of the courthouse. A news reporter is filming as she explains what is happening inside: Julio Rentoria is waiting for his bail hearing. Rentoria and two accomplices are being charged with attempted murder. Security is tight inside the courtroom as Rentoria and his accomplices, Trevor Battle and Oscar Monahan, plead not guilty. The judge sets their bail at 500,000 dollars and then moves to the next person on his list: Kyle Harmon.

Sgt Frank Tripp, in uniform and with a radio microphone on his epaulet, confirms to the judge that Kyle had not been carrying a weapon during the commission of his crime. The judge tells Kyle that the serious nature of his actions is the reason that he will be tried as an adult. Kyle pleads not guilty, and the judge sets his bail at 250,000 dollars.

Outside of the courthouse, Tripp is standing with Horatio as Julio Rentoria is led out of the building. The crowd cheers to see the famous drug kingpin. Rentoria shouts out that he will give two million dollars to the person who helps him get free. When the crowd cheers louder, Horatio looks at the transport bus that Rentoria and his accomplices are about to get on--the same bus that Kyle is riding in. He asks Frank to ride along and give the bus driver some back up. Tripp agrees, knowing that Horatio is worried for Kyle's safety. Kyle is, after all, family.

As the bus pulls away, Rentoria and Trevor Battle look at each other and at Kyle. Rentoria eyes Tripp's gun. Tripp's phone rings, and he answers it, agreeing to bring the bus back so that they can pick up another person. Before they can turn around, a vehicle comes speeding toward the bus, slamming into it and causing Frank to get knocked to the floor, disoriented. Rentoria, Battle and Monahan head for the front of the bus as the crowd from outside of the courthouse descends on the scene, throwing stones at the bus and screaming as they rock it from side to side. The promise of money for setting Rentoria free is causing the mob to become frenzied. Rentoria tries to fight Tripp for his gun, but Frank isn't going to let him have it. Finally, Rentoria gives up, heading for the bus doors as the mob manages to wrench them open.

Frank gets to his feet and radios for help as he hears shots fired outside. Rushing into the melee, he searches for the shooter and sees a man holding a gun. Frank takes aim, yelling for the man to drop the weapon, but when he makes no move to obey, Frank pulls the trigger of his own gun. When he lowers the gun, he doesn't see the man he was aiming for. Instead, he sees a woman fall to the ground, fatally wounded. Frank stares at her in disbelief as back up arrives. He forces himself to keep it together. When Horatio arrives, Frank keeps his calm and tells the other man that Rentoria, Battle and Monahan are gone. When Horatio asks about Kyle, Tripp has to admit that he is missing as well.

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

"Inside Out" is expected to air October 15, 2007.<center></center>
I thought the prisioner was Julio Ramirez, not Rentoria. Maybe they changed his name...
^ It may just be an error. I think it's Ramirez, but you never know as these things are subject to change. *shrugs* :)

Actually, when I first read this all I could think of what CSI LV. Rentoria? Wasn't that the last name of the guy who blew blood out of his nose... And Kyle Harmon? Same last name as Royce Harmon, the first Paul Millander victim? I do hope the CSI franchise isn't running out of last names to choose from... :lol:

eta: Ally, please read your private message regarding banner sizes.
Sounds like a very interesting, twisting ep. Can't wait to see it and see what differs from this spoiler. :)

I hope the same for the last names, Elsie. There are plenty out here to choose from, they haven't used mine!
A later version of the spoilers I saw said 'Rentoria', but it could be Ramirez.

I swear, these shows keep names in a big fish bowl and then pull one out when they need to create a character. :lol:
Faylinn said
I swear, these shows keep names in a big fish bowl and then pull one out when they need to create a character. :lol:

:lol: Somehow I can picture that.

Writer1: *rubs head* Geez, I just can't get the right name down on paper.
Writer2: I'm having trouble too. And we start shooting tomorrow.
Ann D: Okay time to bring out the big guns. Who has the fish bowl?

Ah, creativity and professionalism at it's best.

I'm just not liking that this is essentially a rip-off of 'SWAT'. For some reason I pictured the writers and producers thinking up something a little less...Known by television/movie watchers. But the rest of the episode does seem generally interesting and I like that Tripp has more of a part to play. He's a great character who hasn't had much development since season two's 'Bait'.

Can't wait! :D