LV: Overall Show & Writer Discussion *No Spoilers*


Still Sanity Challenged!
Premium Member
Well the actors/characters have a discussion thread, the episodes have a discussion thread, well why not the show and the writers, this idea came when folks had problems with where it would fit in since part of that discussion relates from past to current (ie last ep seen).

While we don't encourage nitpicking apart things discussing your opinion on why something was done right or wrong, fit or didn't fit into an ep, etc. seems to be good. While a small amount of debating may happen, fighting is not tolerated, and we ask that the discussion be productive, something like "I don't like this season" without saying why isn't productive, tell us why you feel that way. I just want to remind folks the boards mantra "Everyone is entitled to their opinion, as you are to disagree with it, its all about how you handle the situation".

Also please remember that this is a NO spoiler (not even a hint of them) thread. Have fun and if it gets to tense remember sit back and remember its a fictional show and breathe. :)
Ok I guess I'll get it started. I like the direction the show is going into right now heading into the end of the season. Lab Rats was a laid back episode which seems like one most people enjoyed, and I'm really looking forward to the final 4 episodes, especially the last 2. I don't know the plot for the next two episodes, but it may be wise to lay off the Mini Killer topic until the second to last episode, but that is just my opinion.
I love this idea Destiny!

I agree with mrb105, I like the way the season is going. I personally, hope we get another MCS soon. As for the writers; they did an awesome job on Lab Rats. Absolutely amazing. I laughed 10x harder, and 10x more than last year's "Rashomama". Brilliant.
Sarah Goldfinger is seriously my favorite CSI writer right now... I'm just in awe of her. Every episode she's ever written has been so snappy in dialogue, with a great mystery and dead-on characterization. Just. In. Awe.
She really does come up with the best episodes, and she also always has great quotes for Grissom to say, like with poetry and literature. She must be very bright.
I love Ann Donahue. I wish they'd bring her back to the mothership. Noone writes for this show like Ann.
myfuturecsi said:
I'm not keen on this season. It has gotten just too out of wack for me.
Care to elaborate at all?

I think this Season has been great. Different - yes, but still the same. It's been a more personal season, but we shouldn't have seen that coming when the whole Cath!Drama began in the first/second episode.
Great idea Destiny well, I have LOVED all the episodes THIS SEASON, minus the 4 with Keppler/Schreiber, actor he just, to me, didn't add the zest, nor had the ability like the rest of the cast, to be a CSI, he was flat and robotic, & so boring plus they brought in his mysterious past, a guest who was on 4 eps, seemed silly and so not interesting.. and the team always seemd puzzeled and confused in every scene with him..:( in my opinion.. he, to me just didn't fit in!!and dragged the show down.. and then he died :rolleyes: , other then those I've been amazed at the writing and the direction and the stories, and the MCSK.. so different, so interesting.. so who-done-it! and Sarah Goldfinger is a genuis , would love to pick her brain ;) and I also admire Carol Mendohsohn, and Ann and Nankar.. all so incredible, and Mr. Zuiker what can one say. he created this whole riveting show! (from being a tram dirver here in Vegas) to the heights of his fame now.. brilliant;) I'd sure love to shake his hand ;) I hate for this season to end :(

I actually have one rant about the show right now..

What the hell is up with Warrick, why aren't they giving him any decent stories? What gives? Maybe they should take him off the credits :rolleyes: We only see him maybe for a minute each episode lately. I loved his scene in Empty Eyes, which just further proves he can work pretty much any scenario.

What are the writers planning, for goodness sakes :mad:
I don't dislike the direction as much as the quality of the writing this season. I can't really point to specific writers, but I can point to specific episodes. "Empty Eyes", "Fallen Idols", "Leaving Las Vegas", and "Burn Out" are bad episodes. The better episodes are "Post Mortem", "Loco Motives", "Monster in a Box", and "Lab Rats". The best episode this season hs to be "Living Legend".

Overall, this season hs been below average. The best episodes tend to include the killer-of-this-season, MCSK (not surprisingly) or really novel and creative episodes (Living Legend, Lab Rats).

The worse episodes tend to fall flat on the end (Empty Eyes, Fallen Idols).
The writers of this season have no rhythm in their stories, they often clutter up the end and draw out the beginning. They go for the sensational to highlight the personal drama instead of tying it in with the ongoing case. I watched "After the Show" last night and was struck by how good that ep was, with character growth and all. The story was gruesome, but there was no aiming for over the top drama. Cath was splendid, heck they were all splendid and shone.

This year they have been acting totally OOC - Cath flashing to get a confession, Greg mouthing off to the under-sheriff, totally pissed off because, in his mind, his skills were questioned. Warrick is nowhere to be seen, Nick is pulled out of the cupboard when he's needed (probably to draw a few more viewers in). They must know GE and Tarantino pulled in a lot of new viewers and are hoping to up the ratings with a glimpse of everyone in every episode. GE and GD are the big losers as usual.

Griss is more of less a cameo, as is Sara, both invoved in some covert, unethical romance that involves razors.

Two have been found alive at the scene in one season, the MSCK has been dragged out endlessly and getting nowhere. I don't even remember most of the cases.

Out of 20 eps Ive rewatched 4 and enjoyed them. This season is so not getting in my CD-collection.
gsrLOVE said:
myfuturecsi said:
I'm not keen on this season. It has gotten just too out of wack for me.
Care to elaborate at all?

I think this Season has been great. Different - yes, but still the same. It's been a more personal season, but we shouldn't have seen that coming when the whole Cath!Drama began in the first/second episode.

I for one am not crazy about the uneveness in the episodes. I really liked it when Keppler was aboard because he brought some major intense drama to the series that was so needed to get out of the GSR rut and the Cath Drama. It goes to showt that Petersen/Grissom is not the GLUE to hold the show together as everyone goes on about.

I get no pattern, no vibe, nothing from this show. I'm not on the edge of my seat. I'm just bored. I think there were a few awesome episodes this season but the past few weeks, I'm bored out of my skull with it.

And the storylines held no interest for me, because my favourite characters are put in the background.Again. Gary and George bring an amazing amount of chemistry to the screen. What happened with Tina? Was she just dust in the wind the writers sniffed on for two seconds.

I don't know why this show cannot grasp the concept of balancing the characters without it feeling forced. It feels like they take the show and say 30 minutes for Marg, two minutes for Gary, 0.5 for George and so forth.

And then they finish the storyline for Greg..gee how nice of them..they never finish the story for Nick, and Warrick is just props now. I'm totally convinced of that now.

I know most people are not going to agree with me, particularly the GSR fans, but that's fine. I'm entitled to my opinion.
im not sure they would have taken this direction if they werent worried about ratings with greys competition. csi, for me, is not a show where season long story arcs work. theyve taken a good idea but drawn it out so much its just annoying now. like the mini killer for me really should have wrapped up in february sweeps.

csi worked so well before because every episode was its own entity, you could watch repeats in any order and not be lost. but this season they are relying heavily on only a few storylines to carry them through. if given the choice between a season 4 rerun or a season 7 rerun in the future, ill be picking season 4.

i think the writers have also lost their way when it comes to using the actors. it started last year with warrick, who the hell is warrick?? they have always focused on one or two characters per episode but this year it has been skewed towards certain characters and the others just may as well not even be there.

i have enjoyed most of this season and i dont feel as strongly about it as others, but i still think the writers could have done better. they just need to get back to what theyre good at.
myfuturecsi said:

And then they finish the storyline for Greg..gee how nice of them..they never finish the story for Nick, and Warrick is just props now. I'm totally convinced of that now.

Why can't there be another really good Warrick episode? Was the last one really Random Acts of Violence? Because... 4 years ago. That's a lifetime for most shows.

As for the Greg thing, I just feel bad for him. He's my favourite character, so yes, I am incredibly biased, but here goes. Everyone, everyone slammed tptb for their serious lack of continuity and the horrible way they handled Grave Danger fallout. So they think "let's fix this, let's make a story arc for a pretty under-used character and actually follow through with it for a whole season." So they do, and the Fannysmackin' storyline is born. But then everyone gets upset because suddenly Greg has more continuity then most other characters (combined), and they're mad because the continuity wasn't given to their favourite character who deserves it more.

What's the right balance? Should they have not started giving out continuous storylines? No, because then they'd still have the same problem. Should they have given out a big storyline, just not to Greg? Well no, that doesn't work either, because last year Greg was just set decoration, and it really is about time Eric Szmanda was given something to work with. So, do they give continuous storylines to every character? Um... why not? That would be pretty nice, and very season 1.

The people who say that CSI execs don't know how to juggle characters and storylines and screentime are absolutely right. That's the problem with this show, there are so many different fans who want so many different things. They try to make everyone happy and surprise! they make everyone confused and kinda angry. Why wasn't their character given the super-intense storyline after 6 years of being wishy-washy with continuity?

And seriously, I don't know if GD asked for less screen-time, or what, because that's the only reason I could think of for the writers not using Warrick as much as they should. He's a great character with lots of potential, huge fan base aside. But they don't know how to use him, which is the same problem the writers have with everyone it seems.

Whew. That being said, I really do love season 7. The only epi that fell flat for me was Leaving Las Vegas. The Keppler arc was amazing, GSR is, for the most part, in the background enough that it flies under my radar, same with Sofia, and Nick is back to his old self. so... thanks?