LOST Season Finale

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I have been following Lost since season one and I loved the finale. Well actually it aggravated me by leaving me more confused then I was before. (You'de think I would expect that by now)

Anways I do have one little thing that has been bugging me about the finale.

There is a scene from the future where Jack is confronted by his fellow doctors about seeking help for his drinking. One man asks Jack if he is drunk or has been drinking (something like that) and Jack says something to the extent of, "You know what. If you go get my father and bring him here and he is more drunk then I am then...(don't remember the rest)

Anways, my question. This is all supposedly taking place in the future after they have gotten off the island, yet Jack's father was revealed as dead at the begining of the show when .Jack was on the plane to get his father's body, so how could Jack make that commment in the future about them bringing his father down? Unless that was just a joke on his part, I'm confused.

Okay sorry I don't know all the lines word for word but I think those of you who watched it will know what I am talking about.

Who's funeral do you think that was?
Maybe Sawyer's...

Insight greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
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