Life Goes On

CSI Files

A wounded soldier tries out his acting chops.<p><font color=yellow>Bryan Anderson</font> was serving in the military in Iraq three years ago when a roadside bomb exploded near his Humvee in Baghdad. He lost both legs and an arm in the explosion, but it did not stop him from pursuing his dreams. He originally planned to work as a stunt man in Hollywood after he was injured, but now he's contemplating a career in acting.<p>Anderson played an ex-Navy SEAL in this week's episode of <I>CSI: New York</I>, <A class="link" HREF="">"DOA For a Day"</a>. <I>New York</I> star <font color=yellow>Gary Sinise</font> (Mac Taylor) is well-known for playing a disabled Vietnam veteran in <I>Forrest Gump</I>. When Sinise met Anderson, he told him, "You're the real Lt Dan."<p>The former soldier had some advice for other men and women wounded in the line of duty. "You've got to find your niche," Anderson told <A class="link" HREF="">WBBM Chicago</a>. "You've gotta have fun. The more fun you have, the easier it's going to be to handle and you've just got to accept what happened. Life does go on."<p>The original interview is from <A class="link" HREF="">WBBM Chicago</a>.<center></center>