Level 26: Dark Origins


Premium Member
I realize it's a while off, but the website for Anthony Zuiker's new book, Level26.com just opened today, and I wanted to see how many people are thinking about reading the book when it comes out on September 8th.

Anthony talks about the book in his most recent CSI Files interview. It's a serial killer thriller about a creepy, frightening murderer known as Sqweegel who wears a forensic-proof bodysuit when he commits his crimes. The hero of the story is Steve Dark, a haunted man whose entire foster family was butchered by Sqweegel.

I won't deny a little self-interest... I've got a blog over at Level26 that I hope you'll come read! I definitely think the book is of interest to CSI fans, because it basically centers around a killer who has found a way to beat the CSI system....
I just did a search to see if there was a thread about the book anywhere on the board, and this is the only one I could find outside of the news section (although I may just be bad at searching - if so, forgive me ;)). So I thought I'd bump it now that the book is out. :)

I posted a review for the book on CSI Files, and I was wondering if anybody else was thinking about buying the book or reading (and watching ;)) it.