Lenkov Signs New Deal

CSI Files

Executive producer <font color=yellow>Peter Lenkov</font> has signed on for two more years with <I>CSI: New York</I>.<P>Lenkov became a co-executive producer of <I>CSI: NY</I> in 2005. The seven-figure deal will keep Lenkov with the show for another two years as executive producer. <I>New York</I> returns in the fall with its sixth season.<p>When <I>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</I> premiered in 2000, Lenkov found himself drawn to the series. He approached <font color=yellow>David Stapf</font>, who was then the head of current programming at CBS. "I told David Stapf, 'You have the best show on television,'" Lenkov shared with <A class="link" HREF="http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/">The Hollywood Reporter</a>. "I was so impressed by <I>CSI</I> and wanted to be in involved in that franchise." Several years later, Lenkov worked with <font color=yellow>Pam Veasey</font> on the CBS series <I>The District</I>. When Veasey was made executive producer of <I>CSI: NY</I> in 2005, she invited Lenkov to join the staff.<p>The writers for <I>New York</I> are currently on hiatus, but several senior producers, including Lenkov and Veasey, are already hard at work on the first few episodes for season six. The series will have "much more character" in the fall, Lenkov revealed. "The mystery and the science are important, but people are just as important."<p>The original article is from <A class="link" HREF="http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/content_display/television/news/e3i3e1dd505ba9ec42e54a0739e8296a28d">The Hollywood Reporter</a>.<center></center>
Bring on season 6! I'm looking forward to seeing what Lenkov and the others have in store for the upcoming episodes. :) "Much more character" could mean a lot of things - hopefully it means much more Hawkes and Flack and Adam and Sid. :D

(Although I'm afraid I won't be happy until Gina Torres joins the show. *sends mental vibes to TPTB* Well okay, I'll settle for a recurring role that lasts longer than three episodes. ;))