Laura Sidle?

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Hey, Newbie here.
I don't know if anyone else has MAX for a TV provider, I think its just a Canadian thing, but I know that Spike Channel isn't Canadian, and right now they are running some sort of CSI 11 hour marathon, and at the end of the episode that just ended, Sara Sidle typed something in a court case search engine that said
"Laura Sidle vs. The people/1985" And I just was wondering if anyone knew who Laura Sidle was? I wasn't really paying attention at the end of the episode, so I didn't really get it... Anyone have info, or saw the episode? Oh crap I have to go... The next CSI in the marathon starts in 4 minutes :eek:
Laura Sidle is Sara's Mother. Laura been in prison for a long times for killing her abusive husband for cause her snapped like that.

I'm welcome to the board. This should go with Sara/Jorja question.
Actually it could go in either the Sara/Jorja thread or the "I have an ep/character question thread. Depends on how deep you want to go into it. Since the question has been answered I will lock this. Welcome to the board.

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