LaRue: I Need To Take Care Of Myself

CSI Files

With a history of medical problems in her family, <font color=yellow>Eva LaRue</font> (Natalia Boa Vista) knows that it is important to keep up with her own health.

Back in the summer of 2006, LaRue learned that her father had suffered a heart attack. "It was a crazy time," she told Women's Health Today, "but luckily my father didn't have a massive coronary." The event was a wake-up call for LaRue. Heart disease is a common problem on the paternal side of her family tree. "My cousin on my dad's side had a major heart attack at age 40, which resulted in a quadruple bypass," she said, and this was only one of many relatives affected. "His father had a major heart attack when he was in his 50s, [a]nd my grandmother, who's 90, has been on heart medication for a long time. They all have very high cholesterol and high blood pressure."

Knowing that heredity puts her at risk, LaRue decided to take charge of her health. "I said to myself: 'Okay, I need to take care of myself now.' I got a physical and blood tests, which all came back normal," she said, but she didn't stop there. She makes sure to eat a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, and she maintains a healthy body weight. LaRue also takes time to stay physically active. She signed up for yoga and Pilates classes, and she also takes walks with her daughter <font color=yellow>Kaya</font> and their dog. "Aerobic activity is important for good heart health," she explained. "I just started doing Zumba, which I totally love. It's like a salsa lesson and aerobic class all in one. I'm not a StairMaster kind of person or a big gym rat, but Zumba is something I enjoy because it doesn't feel like I'm working out."

In addition to heart disease, LaRue is aware of her family's problems with ovarian cancer. She lost her maternal grandmother and great-grandmother to the disease, and she knows that she and her daughter are at higher risk themselves. In 2006, LaRue became a spokesperson for the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition. "For personal reasons, I'm encouraging women to open up dialogues with their friends, sisters and doctors and talk about ovarian cancer," she said. "I get regular check-ups, which is extremely important, but you need to know the various signs of ovarian cancer." LaRue has a public awareness announcement that airs nationwide, and she also takes part in a press tour for various magazines and television shows to educate people on the topic. "It's something I thought I needed to make time for," she said. "t's not only my health, but my daughter's."

The original interview is from the summer 2007 issue of Women's Health Today, which offers a free online version of the magazine. You can visit the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition online for more information.<center></center>