Kyle XY


Lab Technician
I searched for a thread on this, but didn't find it. Anyone here watch Kyle XY?

And if so, how many of you are Pretender fans as well, seeing how the shows are quite similar. (and produced by the same guy, :lol:)
Re: Kyle XY - Season 2

I watch Kyle XY. It makes up for Smallville and CSI: Miami dy\uring the summer. Matt Dalas is probably one of the most gorgeous men ever, and I just love the story (but I'm not fond of some of the acting)
Re: Kyle XY - Season 2

it's been so long since last season. i can't remember what happened. i'm like really lost!
Re: Kyle XY - Season 2

It has been a long time and I keep missing the episodes. I work a nightshift, so catching up on Kyle has been difficult.

I agree, Matt Dallas is gorgeous.
Re: Kyle XY - Season 2

It comes on abc family channel on Mondays as well as abc channel 7 on Fridays. My mother wanted me to check it out an I did and I liked it. Since she liked it so much I bought the first season for her on dvd. Matt Dallas eyes are gorgeous!!
That Jesse XX seems to be a killer.

Same thing goes for The Pretender. I watched some episodes with her and I went out and bought it for her. I couldn't stand Miss Parker. Her REAL father was as dirty as they come! I didn't know they were produced by the same guy?! :confused:
Re: Kyle XY - Season 2

Yup, same guy. Tommy Thompson. He made a cameo appearance in season 3 of the Pretender as a "patient" in the Renewal Wing. I can't remember the episode exactly. I also think a character in one of the Pretender movies was named after him.

Anywho, both Kyle XY and The Pretender have blatant similarities, so it doesn't surprise me that TT is the producer.
Re: Kyle XY - Season 2

I discovered the show recently and Im completly in love with it. as an almost professional shipper Im in 7th heaven and I like the characters a lot. though Im not that fond of Jessi

and I agree - Matt Dallas is yummy
Re: Kyle XY - Season 2

I really like this little show. We're a little bit behind here, only up to episode 2x13 Leap of Faith, since the network wasn't being very nice about this show, shuffling it around, airing it, then not airing it, then airing it again, but now that it's settled down we're getting caught up.

I'm finding this show is very shippable. I'm a fan of Kyle/Amanda, Lori/Declan, and Josh/Andie. And I swear, the girl who plays Lori looks so much like this girl at my school, especially with her lighter hair in season 1. Very creepy.

I heard season 3 was green lighted. Any idea when that will start in the States?
Re: Kyle XY - Season 2

Gosh its been a year since anyone's posted about this show. :lol:

Sadly though, this show is being cancelled. ABC Family channel decided to go in a different direction with more shows like The Secret Life Of An American Teenager. :rolleyes: Just when Kyle was getting really good too! Boo! Perhaps fans need to ask the Sci-fi channel to pick it up. :)
Re: Kyle XY - Season 2

I don't know what season they're on right now, but I've edited the "Season 2" part out.

It's a shame they're cancelling it. I've only seen a few episodes of season 1 but from what I saw, it was an interesting show. I have no idea where they went with it but it's still disappointing. I think this show would be fitting on the Sci-fi channel too, actually.

And hey, I watch The Secret Life. :lol: Unrealistic but I like it. :p
This is Kyle's third season I believe.

I've never watched Secret Life (but I could have sworn I saw John Schneider in a preview- is he on there? :lol: ). I was just rolling my eyes because the network thinks they should only have one type of show on their channel. Variety is the spice of life, after all. :D Or so I've heard. Plus, I kinda think they are lying about the reason. Come on ABC Family, just admit that Kyle costs too much because of all the stunts and gadgets whereas shows that are strictly only dramas don't cost as much. We know there's an economic crisis going on. We can handle the truth. :lol:

Aside from Whose Line repeats (and sometimes Full House) and the occasional movie, Kyle is the only thing on ABC Family that I watch. They cancelled the other show I liked (Beautiful People) a while back.

They did excellent casting with J. Eddie Peck as Adam (the man Kyle was cloned from) because he and Matt really do look like they could be related. The show would work on sci-fi channel. I'm still kind of peeved at them (sci-fi) for cancelling I-man when there was no reason for it (it was getting excellent ratings). :lol: But, if they picked up Kyle (and Supernatural if CW is ever stupid enough to let it go), I might be more apt to forgive 'em. :lol:
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Last night's ep was good. I'm really starting to like Kyle with Jessie even though I was for Kyle/Amanda. I think they turned Amanda into a bit of a whiny person... kind of like Lana once was (Smallville). But, Kyle's scene with Jessie in the tub where he was kissing the side of her head was really sweet. Loved Nicole's expression upon seeing them kiss. :lol:

Does anyone know the song they were playing at the end of the episode?
Aww... next week is the final episode. :( I guess that will be the last time I watch that channel being as I don't watch anything else on there. :lol: Neither of those new shows look interesting to me.
I searched for a thread on this, but didn't find it. Anyone here watch Kyle XY?

And if so, how many of you are Pretender fans as well, seeing how the shows are quite similar. (and produced by the same guy, :lol:)

I love Kyle XY and I used to watch Pretender also, except well after it was canceled and in syndication on TNT. That was a great show. Loved the Miss Parker and Jarod dynamic. Especially the last movie.

And back to Kyle XY - I love Kyle and Amanda together, although I could possibly see him with Jessi. The look on mom's face when he kissed Jessi last week was priceless. Utter shock. I haven't seen last night's ep yet, but as soon as I do I'll let you all know what I thought.
Does anyone know who plays Nate? I think that's his name... the guy who is in competition with Kyle. He looks familiar, but I can't place him. It might be that he just reminds me of someone else, but I dunno. Haven't figured it out yet. :lol: