Jorja Fox Talks About The Upcoming Season of ‘CSI’

CSI Files

“CSI” actress <font color=yellow>Jorja Fox </font> reveals her thoughts on “CSI”’s new competition with “Grey’s Anatomy.” According to <font color=yellow>Fox</font>, “There will be very little about our show that will change. I don’t think we’re going to try to be more like ‘Grey’s.’ I think that would be really foolish of us to do. I think that we’ve got a loyal following for what we’ve done, and they’ve got a really amazing following for what they’ve done.”

Surprisingly, <font color=yellow>Fox</font> didn’t learn it would be revealed Sara and Grissom (<font color=yellow>William Peterson</font>) were involved in a romantic relationship until four days before shooting the scene. Much like the fans, <font color=yellow>Fox</font> seems to be in favor of the pairing. “These two people, they have a lot in common. They’re both really not great with people in many respects, and they’re emotionally detached in many respects. If two people like that can kind of find each other, there’s something really beautiful in that,” says <font color=yellow>Fox</font>. “You have to think all over again, really who is this person and how would she respond and how would she be in this situation. Because she had a couple of boyfriends that she liked, but her sights have sort of always been on this one man.”

To read the full story, see <A class="link" HREF=>The Boston Herald.</a><center></center>
"Much like the fans, Fox seems to be in favor of the pairing."

I think a better phrasing of that might have been, "Much like some of the fans, Fox seems to be in favor of the pairing." :lol:
Where you’ll see her in five years: Helping to launch the spin-off “CSI: Boise.”

Um, they're kidding, right? CSI:Boise? ...As in Idaho?

Wow...I didn't think they'd actually do another one! This should be, um, interesting...
"I don’t think we’re going to try to be more like ‘Grey’s.’ I think that would be really foolish of us to do."
Hoho they'll be wearing scrubs instead of lab coats. :lol: Thanks for the article! I can't wait for the new season to begin. :)
Sandersgal4lyfe said:
Where you’ll see her in five years: Helping to launch the spin-off “CSI: Boise.”

Um, they're kidding, right? CSI:Boise? ...As in Idaho?

Wow...I didn't think they'd actually do another one! This should be, um, interesting...

I'm pretty sure that was just a joke. ;)
So Jorja's in favor or Grissom and Sara getting together? Interesting. Umm, although she'd be better with Nick or Greg, the two (being Grissom and Sara) do not work well with people. So on a relationship aspect, they could be compatible on that aspect.
i have no bias one way or the other. if thats who the writers wanted to put together thats fine with me. i think it will work because grissom is supposed to be leaving. its obviously going to be a back burner story line, but any relationship between co workers is probably not going to last. and i know im not too friendly with my exes so it could make things ackward around the office :lol:
I agree. I hope they're not going to clutter up a good show with relationship "drama"... (Yawn...) Anyway, Grissom seemed more fired up about Heather...
I agree if Grissom and Sara remain a couple I think I'm going to quit watching the series. The actraction between them is so forced, their chracters have much more natural interaction with the other characters.
i think its petty to jump to conclusions, its not like they are renaming the show 'gsr: grissom sara relationship' its still csi, theyve always said theyre about the science. im sure it will just pop up every once and a while. i dont think theyd do that to the show, have sara and griss making googgley eyes at each other or making out in the lab.
while i think this show was perfectly fine without and love interests for the characters i shall reserve final judgement until i see it. and i doubt something this minor could seriouly effect the quality of the show. kfed being a guest star on the other hand.... *kidding* ive said it before and ill say it again, nothing can keep me from my csi :D
I dont have a problem with Sara-Grissom at all. Do prefer Gil with a beard- but thats a whole different lab of GSR really...

Im looking forward to seeing how they balance the personal stuff with the science. Like people have said before- I have faith in the writers.