Jorja Fox: 'I Barely Passed Sixth Grade Science'

CSI Files

<font color=yellow>Jorja Fox</font> visited England recently and talked to the BBC's Radio Five Live about her character's recent change in mood.

"Sara had a bit of a rough ride for a while," the actress said. "I think this past season is probably the lightest season that she has had on the series, and it was kind of refreshing and fun to do. You see her smiling a lot more, for no particular reason, really, other than there is nothing extremely traumatic happening to her that particular week."

Fox willingly admits Sara is smarter than she is, and has no qualms in saying she'd never try to be a real CSI. "I barely passed sixth grade science," she joked. "I have a tremendous amount of adoration and respect for my character who is so much smarter than I am and I love the science of it. The forensics I think might really be too dark for me to handle on a daily basis."

One thing the actress would like to attempt is write an episode, and she might get her wish before the series end. "I did, very early in the show, go to them and ask them if I could write an episode. And they kind of very naively, I think they said to me, 'you know what, in season four you can write and episode.' And I think they thought at that paint that we would never have a season four."

"Season four came along and ironically enough I started on this play, Dear Bernard, so I opted out of try to write a show. It's still on my list. It's something I've been invited to do and I don't know if it will ever make the air, but they are certainly going to let me write one."

While the new season of CSI starts, Fox will be busy with Dear Bernard, an original musical she produced. "It's about a young girl in the late sixties who leaves a small town in England to, uh, seek her fame and fortune in America. So, it takes place in New York City the back drop is the fashion industry."

Dear Bernard premieres in London on July 21st. Thanks to <font color=yellow>ylime</font> from YTDAW for the transcript.<center></center>
Jorja Fox is smart just in different ways, there are different types of intelligence aren't there?

She's smart enough to know that acting in a show like CSI is a good move.

I could go on and on about the fact that she's smart but I'll just stop it here.

I also hope TPTB air the episode JF might write, it would be very interesting and smart I feel... oops, couldn't help it.
jorja fox AKA sara, is ok but not my favorite csi. i didn't really like her too much on ER either. Sorry jorja fans.
Jorja is really really smart. :) I love her, she's hot, smart, cute and a lot more.

Jorja writing an episode would be really great.