Jena 6


So what's everybody's opinion on the Jena 6 case down in Louisiana?

I'm not exactly sure of the controversy but I have a couple thoughts which I'm not sure if they're part of this case or of no one else has thought of them.

Is this really the beginning of a New Civil Rights movement.

Thoughts? Comments?
I just wrote a paper about this! I really had no clue it was national news. To be quite honest, I had no clue racism was still so big, I live in the midwest so I've never really witnessed racism. It was a shock.

I think it is a New Civil Rights movement. I mean these are adolescents [sp?] and they act like this, imagine how the parents act. Something needs to be done about this kind of behavior and this is a great start.
I first heard about this in June and was completely disgusted, if not by the authorities and the school's behaviour than at least by the fact that it got basically no airtime on the news or in the paper or anywhere besides Color of Change. Three months passed before I finally heard mention of it on the news, and the topic of racism wasn't even brought up. The fact there was a huge demonstration a few days ago is a huge leap forward, and it does make the media take notice, but where were they before?

What I find most angering about this case is how it hasn't changed anything. Racism is still huge, and largely unnoticed. People aren't cracking down on the bigots. How many people here have heard about the Megan Williams Tragedy?
It was even on the news here in Holland!

Racism is still a big issue. I am kinda a standard white Dutch girl... as it seems.. And at my university and Kung Fu I have a friend who is from the so called worse part of the city and black. And we are very good friends and we can talk openly about it all. And just hanging with him got some weird looks from people.... So I can't even image what must crack him up some days...

And also with a so called other social group... Via KungFu and the above mentioned friend a came to know another (white) friend today who's mum works very hard so her kids (3) can go to school. All kids have nothing and have to get jobs to get something extra then school, food and clothes and stuff. I really have respct for her even though the job she has is crap as hell. The youngest of the three kids really gets teased about the fact that he hasn;t got much. That just breaks my heart!

School was always a normal thing for me. On that part I am pretty blessed with what I've got. They too since we have to much fun driving my car to kung fu each time :lol:

I can't stand some people I know that have such narrow views. When I talk about that to the two friends mentioned above they always say: Well next time you see them we'll come along :p

And they can call me a racist for the fact that I can't stand narrow minded people! I really don't care!

But since I know it is all around us it must be everywhere! But the human kind is build to make each others life miserable or something. I don't know!