It's A 'Chain Reaction'

CSI Files

Horatio and his team must investigate a series of events that might all lead back to a single man.

According to CSI Files sources, "Chain Reaction" begins early in the morning before a fashion show. The designer, Gavin Hauer, is debuting his new line in front of the most rich and beautiful people in Miami. The runway appears to be nothing but an expanse of water, glowing with lights.

Alisha Reilly, one of the models in the runway show, takes the stage beneath the lights, walking down the water-covered runway. Unexpectedly, something goes wrong and Alisha is electrocuted by the lights. Horatio and Tripp talk to Gavin, but he insists that he would not sabotage his own fashion show to kill Alisha. He tries to tell them that he is sorry for her death but that the show must go on. He needs to get the stage taken apart and ready to load onto a plane heading to Paris for another show. When he gets frustrated with the insinuation that he might have been responsible for Alisha's murder, Gavin tells them to talk to Terrence Day, the lighting director.

Calleigh speaks to Terrence and learns that Gavin was too cheap to hire a crew. Instead, it was up to Terrence to take care of every detail with the stage. For this reason, he insists that there was no way that Alisha could have gotten electrocuted. He tells Calleigh that he put ground fault interrupters on all of the lights. If one of the lights shorted out, the interrupter would have cut off the circuit. He is adamant that the stage could not have electrocuted Alisha, and that he did not kill her, but Calleigh doesn't take his word for it.

The CSIs discover strands of hair from a neon blue wig beneath the stage. Because each model wore a wig matching the color of the lights that shone as they walked down the runway, Calleigh and Ryan are able to figure out that the wig belonged to Julianna Perez. Calleigh brings her in for questioning, but Julianna says that she wasn't under the stage to sabotage Alisha--she was there with Terrence Day. Lighting is important, she explains. She fooled around with Terrence because she wanted to make sure that she looked good when she was on the runway. Calleigh suggests that their victim might have been involved with Terrence as well, but Julianna says that Alisha was in a relationship and wouldn't have been messing around.

As the CSI team digs deeper into the mystery surrounding Alisha's death, they begin to find connections to Joe LeBrock, the man responsible for the kidnapping of Horatio's son Kyle in "Inside Out". Not coincidentally, things become more complicated when a bomb explodes, killing a man and making it look like Kyle may be responsible. With Kyle's hearing scheduled for later on in the day, Horatio has no time to waste figuring out who is setting his son up. Kyle needs him, and the team is several steps behind the criminals.

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

"Chain Reaction" is expected to air November 5.<center></center>
in front of the most rich and beautiful people in Miami.
Oh, not again. Have ANY of the writers or producers ever stepped a foot into Miami? There is more to the city the the rich and beautiful people.
Ah, but the unwashed masses could never make it to a fancy-schmancy fashion show!
Very true about the fashion show...all they seem to show is the high priced life.

Although it was nice to see Ryan mentioned, so does that mean he's getting the job back soon?

And this does look like an interesting ep, can't wait to see it!
Although it was nice to see Ryan mentioned, so does that mean he's getting the job back soon?
I was curious about that. Why is he working with Calleigh if not, you know? But knowing Miami, they'll come up with some convenient reason for him to be there...
I'm just hoping it means Stetler stepped his game up, the decisions were made and Ryan got the job back. All speculations though.