Is Jorja a lesbian? i've heard rumors...

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Just thought i'd ask on account of hearing rumors on the web. :confused:
i dont think it matters either way. What an actress is/does in her personal life is just that...personal. Speculating isn't for us to do.
I would also ( not sure if i am right to say this but...) say that you should avoid posting topics like this.
I hate to sound like a moaner but its just what i think. Nice to have you on the boards though :) just thought you should know.
P-s I what i have said is wrong i apologise in advance ;)
As you said Rumors none of which has been varified one way or another, but to be honest this discussion has been had before I suggest doing a search on old posts, though they are probably locked due to the fact that an actors sexulatiy isn't something that we really discuss on the board, unless they make it public, and even then its tempored to maintain the actresses privacy.

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