Is ‘CSI:NY’ Important To Canadian History?

CSI Files

Canada-based independent distributor <font color=blue>Alliance Atlantis Communications Corp.</font> co-produces CSI:NY and the rest of the CSI franchise. The company also owns a number of Canadian television channels, including the History channel. The Alliance-Atlantis owned channel has been airing CSI:NY eighteen times a week and now finds itself in hot water with the federal broadcast regulator.

Last week the <font color=blue>Canadian Radio-Television and Communications Counsel</font> (CRTC) sent a letter to Alliance Atlantis requesting that the History channel remove the show from its line-up. The regulatory agency simply doesn’t buy Alliance Atlantis’ position that the show meets it’s license mandate be it “offers viewers a critically acclaimed look at forensic science in post-9/11 New York City.”

The History channel’s license mandate is to provide a national specialty service consisting of historical documentaries, movies, mini-series, and history programs that embrace current events and history related specifically to Canadians.

<font color=yellow>Maureen Parker</font>, executive director of <font color=blue>The Writers Guild of Canada</font>, reported the violation to CRTC when she was watching the channel and noted how often the NY-set show is aired. “How can an American forensic crime show be considered Canadian history?” Parker asks. “They say [the show] is compliant because [New York] has become synonymous with one of history’s most significant and notorious events, 9/11. All of which is ludicrous. It is not an issue of taste, but rather one of integrity.” She continues on to add, “I would assume CSI:NY brings in good ad revenue. They’ve tried to fool the consumer.”

<font color=yellow>Nicola McIsaac</font>, manager of corporate and public affairs for Alliance Atlantis, says, “We have received correspondence from the CRTC. We do think CSI:NY fits on the channel and we are in the process of determining next steps.”

Head over to <A class="link" HREF=>Globe and Mail</a> to read the full article.<center></center>
*blink* :lol: I don't know. I may be Canadian, and I love CSI: NY, but I just don't think it fits.
LOL As a business student, I can admire the cojones of the Canadian History channel in trying to pawn off a clone of a copy like CSI:NY as "historically significant." I just hope the CRTC has enough brains to stick to its guns.
No way!! I love flipping between the 3 CSI's at 7 that NY is on daily...My dad kept saying 'what does that have to do with history!"
Even though I watch it on History, I agree that is doesn't belong on the channel. It's a channel devoted to Canadian history and yet they're showing an American forensic drama.

And what's with the "The Alliance-Atlantis owned channel has been airing CSI:NY eighteen times a week." They seriously show it 18 times. I thought it was just the same episode twice a night.
^ Yeah television history, but not Canadian history. :lol:

I'll admit, I've been having fun catching up on CSI:NY now that it's on the History Channel, but come on...

“They say [the show] is compliant because [New York] has become synonymous with one of history’s most significant and notorious events, 9/11.

Maybe someone forgot to mention that the show isn't about 9/11 even though there might be an episode here and there where it's mentioned/presented. It's not the main focus of the show. They're pushing it a little there.

I think the show doesn't belong on the History channel, but if they want to keep it there, be my guest. :lol: I'll still watch it no matter what channel it's on.
I agree that argument is very weak :lol:, but if they can show 'Deadwood', then they should be allowed to show CSI :p
Oh for heavens sake...this reminds me of when some anti-gay group accused the writers of Spongebob for promoting the gay community (apparently when SB and Patrick holds hands or some other nonsense). speed_cochrane I totally agree with you, the show is definitely not about 9/11. Just because it's based in NY doesn't mean it focuses on the attacks. I love the fact that the History Channel shows NY...I tune in mainly because it's season one and I don't have the DVD (not yet anyways :))
:lol: I love this show as muuch as anyone, but it's not Candian and not historic. I would agree it's proably only aired to bring in ad renvue. (sp?)
The History Channel would not get away with this in America. I prefer to keep CSI:NY and my WW:II documentries separate please
Re: Is ‘CSI:NY’ Important To Canadian History?

Good grief. They play JAG on History Channel. I have yet to hear the CRTC gripe about THAT. And I would like to see how JAG is relavent to Canadian history.