Interview: Marc Dube and Barry O'Brien

CSI Files

The CSI Miami co-executive producers discuss the big CSI crossover kicking off in Miami tonight, a deadly situation for three CSIs and what brings Eric Delko back–on the opposite side of his former colleagues. Spoilers inside!CSI: Miami’s eighth season has been one of many changes for the show, with the departure of Adam Rodriguez (Eric [...]

Ooh, very interesting interview(s)! It sounds like there's a lot of good stuff coming up on Miami. Thanks for sharing. :D
I know!! It sounds like there's lots of action coming up, and lots of good character stuff. I'm really curious about how Jesse and Natalia are going to bond--and this mysterious woman from Jesse's past is!

And I'm curious about this explosion episode, too.
The explosion thing is intriguing. And the Walter/Jesse thing, I'm curious about that as well.

I really hope they don't pair Jesse and Natalia romantically though. Each show had/has one pairing among main characters a piece and that's the way I think that it should stay. Even if E/C ends, there's no need for an immediate replacement couple. :lol:

I hope that we get to "meet" someone in Ryan's family (not just hear about them). He's the only one on the show (minus Jesse and Walter) whose family members we haven't met!

I know the guy they intially wanted for Uncle Ron turned it down and that's why he didn't appear in "crime wave" and we only saw Ryan talk to him on the phone. But isn't there anyone else they could get to play the part? Uncle Ron sounds like he'd be a very quirky, fun character.
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CSI Files: Jesse mentioned a mysterious woman in “In Plane Sight” but told Calleigh “it’s not what you think.” Can you tease anything about this woman’s identity? Will we get to meet her at some point?
Thanks for fixing that, Top. Makes more sense now. :)

O’Brien: Jesse did, in fact, mention a mysterious woman from his past. The subject came up between both Walter and Natalia (Eva La Rue).
This however still confuses me. Either O'brien is ahead of himself in aired episodes & we haven't seen that yet, or he's confused with his own show.

I really hope they don't pair Jesse and Natalia romantically
Gotta agree with ya there, though I'm not blind in seeing that Eddie & Eva could totally carry it off with ease.

I'm very intrigued with the whole Natalia angle, whatever it may be -- it's soooo past due, & I have to give a big "thank you" for asking him that direct question in regards to her.:thumbsup: But going back to "sparks" & romance, I do think it's too soon to go there with 2 main cast members. I hope to see that the only angle here is that they'll both carry heavy secrets this season. They've got my interest now, that's for sure. Moreso on the Natalia part though. :p

Having said that, they have an awful lot on their plates this season, so I truly hope they can handle it -- I for one will be highly disappointed if some (okay, just Nat's) storylines get axed because they can't take focus off of others. Will wait & see.

Thanks so much for the interview -- it was awesome to see ALL of the characters mentioned -- too many times in the past we've been bombarded with talk of only 3 characters, so this was definitly a treat, & I'm happy to see they're putting in the effort to make a change.
O’Brien: Jesse did, in fact, mention a mysterious woman from his past. The subject came up between both Walter and Natalia (Eva La Rue).
^^ This however still confuses me. Either O'brien is ahead of himself in aired episodes & we haven't seen that yet, or he's confused with his own show.

I was confused by that as well. I think O'Brien is ahead of himself. We haven't seen Walter or Natalia talk about Jess' mysteries yet.

I am looking forward to a Natalia storyline (finally- been overlooked for too long). :)

I do hope that Valera returns a few times this season. Originally she was listed for tonight's ep, but now she's not, so I'm disappointed.

I wish they had kept Kyle though. I enjoyed the bonding between Ryan and Kyle. They were like big brother/little brother. :lol:
It really does sound like some exciting storylines coming up, and now that I know that the love of my life, Rick Stetler/David Lee Smith will definitely be coming back :drool::adore: I'm really, really happy. It was news I needed to hear. Thank you soooo much for asking about him, Top21. :):):)
It does sound as if there are exciting stories coming up and I hope they include stories for Natalia,Ryan and Frank.
Truthfully,the possible full time return of Adam bothers me. I like the increased interaction and screen time we are seeing of the other characters. I don't want to return to seeing the same characters and boring(IMO) story line over and over again.How many characters could the writers handle anyway now that several more have been added?Some characters would be reduced(again) to walk on scenes.Team unity and camaraderie is finally making a come back,and I would like to see that continue.
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I must say that I will certianly not be bored watching Miami this season. Certainly some exciting stuff happening soon!! :)

One thing though...I'm not liking the answer they gave as to two CSIs being in harms way and a third having no choice but to be in harms way too. It gives me bad feeling that my favorite character is going to end up in the hospital or who knows what. Because if there is one person who seem's to walk into trouble alot....It's Ryan. So I hope for him to have more screentime...just so long as he's not hospitalized, mamed severely...or killed. All will cause me to cry and be angry.