Instant Star

I love instant star!

I don't get to watch it as often as I'd like, but I do really enjoy it though.

Alexz is a great actress, :)
Yeah she is, and she's a wiked singer too. I'm so glad i found someone else who likes Instant Star. Do you think Tommy's hot?
I LOVE the show instant star..there is great chemistry between the actors, and it falls right into place next to Degrassi..also another great show.
I also watch 'instant star'.
here in Austria the tv-station just started the show.
I agree, tommy is hot, but I prefer jude with jamie. He's cute and more ordinary. He would help her to stay normal.
the kat/jamie relationship is also cute. I'm torn. :D
I love Tommy, but I like Spieder(sp?) better, maybe cause I've had a crush on Tyler Kyte since I was 12.

Has anyone here seen the Instant Star Backstage Pass special? My friend and I got to be in the front row for the concert part, Alexz even wanted to pull a girl we knew up onstage, but the organizers wouldn't let her. We were in the very front though, and she kept grabbing our hands during the songs. She was SO NICE!!! We even got pics with a lot of the actors, it was awesome!