

CSI Level One
Have you ever heard of "improv"? Let me tell you, if you're into acting, this is an amazing thing!

Our school has a team now for the first time in four years. I auditioned, and made the cut! Basically, improv is acting without a script. :


n 1: a creation spoken or written or composed extemporaneously (without prior preparation) 2: an unplanned expedient [syn: temporary expedient] 3: a performance given extempore without planning or preparation [syn: extemporization, extemporisation]

It's a really fun thing to do. Our school is entering in the "Improv Olympics", which is a night of teams from all over the place coming together and competing in different events. The events are: Life, Style, Theme and two more (that I forget. Way to go me) Improv is really fun for people who love to act, make people laugh, and just have a good time!

There are really two main structures in improv. You can act; or you can physicalize. Physicalization is when you, yourself, become an object. This is used in improv because there are no props, only 8 people to make a set. You have to become everything you need. Whether it's a door, couch, coffee table or swingset, if they need it, you are it.

I was just wondering, is anyone else on an improv team? And if you're interested, bring it up to your school's student council, principal, Arts teacher, or whoever controls that kind of thing. It's really a blast, I have lots of fun doing it! :)
I could never get up on a stage in front of a crowd. But some of Saturday Night Live's best performers came from Chicago's Second City improv group over the years.
ive never heard of inprov teams, but i do improv in drama and stuff, its hella fun, and some of the scenes end up hillarious
It's fun in small groups :p We had in one Finnish class.

We were put in groups and given two papers and had to pick the way (drama, horror, comedy).

First was one was pancakerecipe and then 2nd one short article about bomb threat in Olympics 2002 (well, it was year 2002 then). We got horror with pancake and comedy with bombthreat.

Ah it was fun.
I had to talk about what I wanted to be when I grow up for 30 seconds in gr.7. (im in gr.9 now) I got soo nervous. I probably sounded like an idiot up there. But I got a 3+, so I guess I did alright. :lol: Never again, though! I hate public speaking. It's even worse when you dont have something to look off of, or have something memorized, imo. :) I can see how some people think it's fun, because it can be really funny sometimes. I know it was in gr.7. :lol:
I've coached teams and been a part of them myself for many years in my past. Hence my SN ;) (improv is also known as theatresports) - It's great fun, and really helps hone your comedic skills, as well as public speaking and confidence in general.

Those who are still somewhat unfamiliar with it - y'all must have caught wind of the TV show 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?' hosted by Clive Anderson (UK) or Drew Carey (US) with the likes of Ryan Stiles and Greg Proops etc. That's the jist of what we do.
Yeah, me and some of my friends make movies and we always improv and our director/filmcrew, Nick, gets so ticked off because we'll be doing an improv newscast and Buster will be our weatherman and he'll says something about 'raining tomatoes and hailing potaotoes' and then when it gets to the 'anchors', Wayne and me, I'll say something like, 'Good luck out there in those topatoes, Buster.' And then Nick will groan and shut the camera off. He gets kinda ticked off when me and Amy ask him to film something we just came up with at lunch, he demands over the weekend I'm writing a screenplay called, "Death by Purple"...we'll end up improving that, too I promise :D
I've never done acting improvisation, but I don't think that I could do that in front of people!:lol: I have, however, done musical improvisation - making up solos during a song.. that's quite fun, and is something I can do in front of people!