If you were a SERIES REGULAR on CSI, which role would you choose?


Adam Fangirl
Super Moderator
We had a similar thread before the board move, and the poll has gone kaput. So here's a new (probably simpler) poll where you can share your choice.

If you were a new regular character on one of the CSI series, which type of role would you choose? (This refers to a recurring role over one or more seasons.)
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I'd have to choose lab tech.

If it was CSI:Miami, I'd be the computer nerd. They need a sassy, take no crap from no one, dress kinda dorky girl there. They have Calleigh, who is sassy and takes no crap from no one, but she dresses too nice. Valera is sassy, but she needs someone that's quite like her to hang out with. :lol:

If it was CSI:LV, I'd probably be a DNA tech (espicially since Wendy is looking to go out on the field).

If it was CSI:NY, I'd probably just be a random trace girl. :lol:
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(when I voted this poll took me to a random old thread in the CSI forum - weird...)

Anyway, I voted CSI. Because although I'm probably more suited to a geeky lab tech role I think it would be much more fun to get to be out and about, doing some 'detective' work, collecting and analysing evidence. Let's be honest, the CSI's get to do it all. :lol:
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Elsie said:

(when I voted this poll took me to a random old thread in the CSI forum - weird...)
That's strange--I've had it happen once in the NY forum since the board move. I assumed it was a glitch, but maybe it has to do with key words in the poll? :confused: Color me confuzzled. :lol:
I had to vote lab tech. They seem to have a little more freedom in being quirky and odd, although the constant lab coat would get boring.
Erm I voted for Detective....to be honest I've always wanted to be a detective/pollice office since I can first remember :D
I voted CSI, its what I'll be taking this fall :D I would want to "see" were the evidence takes me.
The type of role I voted for is being a Detective. Let the CSI's and lab techs do the work I don't have the brains for then I will do the interrogations and make the arrests. :cool:
(when I voted this poll took me to a random old thread in the CSI forum - weird...)

Me too, it happened before with other threads :confused:

I chose coroner. Because being a coroner is slightly going to a weird place. The creepy place, that is correct. If I were a coroner I think I wanted to be just like Sid :lol: I imagined that a female coroner who is a little bit of punk-rocker, having cool hair, and listening to her music while performing the autopsy, and creeping out the CSIs with her lack of any emotion towards the bodies.
I'd love to be a CSI, since I started watching the show, it kinda made me wanna be a CSI, but I'm sure I'd be able to deal with it in reality, but in the show, that's what I'd love to do. Like Sue, "I'd like to see where the evidence led me." :lol: Plus, I'd love to work with Nick, Cath, Greg and Gris. :)
i chose csi too haha. i just love solving those puzzles and mysteries haha. i wonder if i would be any good at it if i'd really be a csi...