Idea For The Vegas Movie...

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I’ve been thinking about an idea for a movie, just wanted some thoughts on it really, it’s just a basic premise and idea to spark off the rest of the story, but I’ll leave that to the real writers :D

Given that there are now conspiracy theories going around about the miniature killer (Ernie) not really being the killer at all it would work even better. My idea would be to do a reference back to Manhunter; Grissom (who would have to have grown the beard back) discovers that the wrong guy ended up dead, and that the miniature killer is still at large.

Cuts back to Grissom getting increasingly angry with the continued killing spree, and decides that he could catch him better mano e mano, with help from the team (which links in the rest of the team, sending them evidence etc) of course. Flashes back to the classic scene in Manhunter where Grissom is sat in a road side café with his reflection on the window looking out into the rain, who then utters the immortal line “It's just you and me now, sport. And I'm going to find you, God damn it” :mad:

Well it's just an idea - don't shoot me :eek:
Ya but movies take more then a year to make, I don't want to have to wait that long to find out who the mini killer is.
there are no current plans for a movie, but we do already have a movie thread located here so you can continue the discussion of which movie youd like to see and storylines that would be good over there :)
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