Icon Challenge- CSI's With Guns


CSI Level One

1. Do NOT post your icons here. PM me with your icon

2. Your icons must be 100x100 pixels.

3. You are allowed to enter a maximum of three icons.

4. When entering, please provide the icon, and the URL. Thanks.

5. Lastly, BE CREATIVE!
Wow... that's so weird... I had just been wondering if this theme had been done yet :lol: Guess that answers my question!
This only proves how non violent I am. :D I don't have any cap where anyone is holding a gun! I'm gonna have to dig a bit. :D
Wow.. love it! I just found some screencaps of csi with guns.
I definitely join these :)
Oooo! I'd love to have a go, but I'd better not use my avatar. :D

When's the closing date?
Indeed cool theme... we've already done this theme :p :lol:
Like a couple of months ago :lol: but that's oke
I can't believe how much trouble I'm having finding caps for this. I thought it was going to be easy :(
DragonflyDreamer said:
I can't believe how much trouble I'm having finding caps for this. I thought it was going to be easy :(

And people complain how violent this show is...:D :D :D
Yeah, I dont have as many caps of them with guns as I thought I did. Now, CSIs with swabs, microscopes and other scientific equipment - I have tons of! And a fair few of CSIs with power-tools and cellphones too...