Icon Challenge #52 - American Idol:Season 8 ~ Winners Up!


A Daily Anthem
Ok new challenge here we go :). Sorry this is up so quick but RL is hectic so if I didn't put it up now I wouldn't be able to later. This challenge is specifically for Season 8 of the hit reality tv show American Idol. Your icons can have one Idol contestant or many the choice is yours. You can do icons of auditionees if you like :). Also fine to do icons of the Judges and of Ryan Seacrest aswell as guest mentors and other artists that perform on the results shows :).

Here are the RULES – please read them carefully before creating your icon and entering it:

[1] You can enter up to 4 icons = 3 100 x100 icons + 1 icon in the size 140x140. PLEASE NOTE - if you are going to make more than 1 icon, please use a different image for each one.

[2] You have until 3 p.m. GMT+1 Sunday 7th June (If you need this extending due to RL (I for one know how this can be) I'd happily extend it for you but you have to let me know ASAP) to complete your icon and submit it. PM your entry to me, shazza_018.

[3] Your icons must be 100x100 or 140x140 pixels in size – if it is any bigger, it will be re-sized, and those never look so good. So please make sure to make your icon so it is those particular sizes. ***this is important I don't want to have to resize icons myself as it is time consuming and will delay voting being put so please size your enteries correctly.

[4] I don’t want to see any vulgar words or phrases in the icons. If there is something in them that can be considered offensive, your icon will not be accepted.

[5] You may use any caps you like but feel free to use the ones I provide. Please be aware caps from or relating to the show most only be used and no others. This challenge is specifically for American Idol as a show and not a particular contestant/winner.

[6] No animated icons.

[7] We're going to try catergories for this challenge cause I think this is much more better and fair on everyone. There are THREE categories to this challenge - Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced (If entering in Intermediate level, please include a second level -either Beginner and Advanced- incase there isn't enough entries for 3 levels) Please go the Fan Art Forum if you need help determining what category to enter. Please be fair to others. If you keep winning in beginners, move up to intermediate; let someone else win beginners and see if you place in intermediate and so on. That's how you get better, by challenging yourself.

[8] Most importantly, as this is an anonymous challenge, YOU MUST NOT POST YOUR ICONS HERE (or anywhere else). If you do, you will be disqualified. This is make sure that the voting is unbiased, and so everyone has a fair chance of winning a banner.


Subject: Misc: IC #52 - American Idol:Season 8 : Beginners (or intermediate/advanced)
Body: Images, URLs. (I would really prefer both) **please DO NOT delete or move your pics in your photobucket account till voting/results are up. It is difficult for me to put voting up if icons are missing because of this. If you do do this I may refuse to accept your enteries after voting is up, useless your quick to let me know.

Okay here are some caps:

(Please note: most of these are from adam-lambert.net but not all are of Adam, most are group photos ;) )

You can look for caps here @ americanidol.com, which contains audition caps aswell as caps from the live shows. Many constestants have fansite which do have galleries within them which can easily be found via google ;).

Any questions, please feel free to post them here, or PM me.
IF YOU ARE A NEWBIE AND CAN NOT PM ME. Could you please email me your entries at soficoolj @ hotmail.com - please enter in subject that you are from talkCSI so I don't just mark your post as a spam. (I also use MSNmessenger on that account so just check if I’m online and you can send me it through there) but please let me know if you do this so I remember to check my emails or we can work out a time to send me them on MSN! :)

MOST IMPORTANTLY - Have fun and be creative!!

BEGINNERS AND NEWBIES ARE HIGHLY ENCOURAGED TO ENTER! This is a great way to show off your skills and have some fun also you get a pretty banner at the end ;).
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Re: Icon Challenge #52 - American Idol:Season 8 ~ Join Now!!

I might get something done for this one :D I've never saw this American Idol so it's gonna be a great experience.
Re: Icon Challenge #52 - American Idol:Season 8 ~ Join Now!!

I watch never this TV serial but I like the pics of this ! Yes, I'm in ! ;)
Re: Icon Challenge #52 - American Idol:Season 8 ~ Join Now!!

I wasn't gonna enter, but some of the caps are just too cute to pass up. So, I'm in and I suspect I'm going to have a lot of icons left over. :lol: (meaning I'll end up making more than 4 :lol: )
Re: Icon Challenge #52 - American Idol:Season 8 ~ Join Now!!

Okay since I got this question so I'll just okay it here to: it is also fine to do icons of the Judges and of Ryan Seacrest aswell as guest mentors and other artists that perform on the results shows i.e. David Cook, Daughtry to name a few of those who performed this year.
Re: Icon Challenge #52 - American Idol:Season 8 ~ Join Now!!

I'm going to try to get some things in, going to be pretty busy Friday and Saturday
Re: Icon Challenge #52 - American Idol:Season 8 ~ Join Now!!

Okay *sets up table with punch, juice, cupcakes, cookies, chocolates and milk to try to bribe people to enter* I'm start to think this may not be a popular one lol.
Re: Icon Challenge #52 - American Idol:Season 8 ~ Join Now!!

I'm in, though I've never watched American Idol :)
Re: Icon Challenge #52 - American Idol:Season 8 ~ Join Now!!

I only have 3 advanced entries and 1 140x140...Is anyone else planning on entering? :(.
Re: Icon Challenge #52 - American Idol:Season 8 ~ Join Now!!

I've got mine made for the most part. I just have to resize and upload. I'll try to get them to you sometime today, or at the latest tomorrow. :)
Re: Icon Challenge #52 - American Idol:Season 8 ~ Join Now!!

I'm entering! Working on some right now. ;)
Re: Icon Challenge #52 - American Idol:Season 8 ~ Join Now!!

I keep forgetting to open photoshop up and see what I can come up with :lol: and sadly I'm too preoccupied with a friend's party right now :lol: I've never realized how many rednecks I have for friends :eek:
Re: Icon Challenge #52 - American Idol:Season 8 ~ Join Now!!

I wanted to enter, but sadly my art time has been cut into as of late. :( Darn job!!!
Re: Icon Challenge #52 - American Idol:Season 8 ~ Join Now!!

Question, can it be anyone from the show? Liiike can it be Ryan Seacrest if we wanted? I kinda love him. :lol: