Icon Challenge #46 - Lost ~ WINNERS UP!


A Daily Anthem
Ok new challenge since I finally managed to find some time to do this today! :)

Here are the RULES (I have changed these slightly to clear a few things up ;) ) – please read them carefully before creating your icon and entering it:

[1] You can enter up to 4 icons = 3 100 x100 icons + 1 icon in the size 140x140, using the caps provided below. PLEASE NOTE - if you are going to make more than 1 icon, please use a different image for each one.

[2] You have until 3 p.m. GMT+1 Sunday 7th February (If you need this extending due to RL (I for one know how this can be) I'd happily extend it for you but you have to let me know ASAP) to complete your icon and submit it. PM your entry to me, shazza_018.

[3] Your icons must be 100x100 or 140x140 pixels in size – if it is any bigger, it will be re-sized, and those never look so good. So please make sure to make your icon so it is those particular sizes. ***this is important I don't want to have to resize icons myself (I had to for the last challenge) as it is time consuming and will delay voting being put so please size your enteries correctly.

[4] I don’t want to see any vulgar words or phrases in the icons. If there is something in them that can be considered offensive, your icon will not be accepted.

[5] You may use the caps I provide or have a look in the gallery links I will provide. Please use the caps in these gallery only.

[6] No animated icons

[7] We're going to try catergories for this challenge cause I think this is much more better and fair on everyone. There are THREE categories to this challenge - Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced (If entering in Intermediate level, please include a second level -either Beginner and Advanced- incase there isn't enough entries for 3 levels) Please go the Fan Art Forum if you need help determining what category to enter. Please be fair to others. If you keep winning in beginners, move up to intermediate; let someone else win beginners and see if you place in intermediate and so on. That's how you get better, by challenging yourself.

[8] Most importantly, as this is an anonymous challenge, YOU MUST NOT POST YOUR ICONS HERE (or anywhere else). If you do, you will be disqualified. This is make sure that the voting is unbiased, and so everyone has a fair chance of winning a banner.


Subject: Misc: IC #46 - Lost: Beginners (or intermediate/advanced)
Body: Images, URLs. (I would really prefer both).

Okay here are some caps, for those of you who do not have time to go through the gallery!:
or taking a look in the gallery here.
Any questions, please feel free to post them here, or PM me.
IF YOU ARE A NEWBIE AND CAN NOT PM ME. Could you please email me your entries at soficoolj @ hotmail.com - please enter in subject that you are from talkCSI so I don't just mark your post as a spam. (I also use MSNmessenger on that account so just check if I’m online and you can send me it through there) but please let me know if you do this so I remember to check my emails or we can work out a time to send me them on MSN! :)

MOST IMPORTANTLY - Have Fun!! and I hope you guys and gals like the theme! :)
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Re: Icon Challenge #46 - Lost ~ Join Now!

I thought the Batman Challenge was in two parts, one week Batman Begins and the next The Dark Knight? Is confused * more than usual * and for once I'll have to sit the challenge out, don't really know enough about to show :(
Re: Icon Challenge #46 - Lost ~ Join Now!

Love the theme Soph even though ive ever seen one episode :lol: I'll get a few into you :)

ETA: I thought it was Batman too lol
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Re: Icon Challenge #46 - Lost ~ Join Now!

Yay!!! A "Lost" icon challenge!!! This is awesome. Expect some entries from me! :)

Just to clarify...we can use any cap from the galleries in the link?
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Re: Icon Challenge #46 - Lost ~ Join Now!

I thought the Batman Challenge was in two parts, one week Batman Begins and the next The Dark Knight? Is confused * more than usual * and for once I'll have to sit the challenge out, don't really know enough about to show :(

Love the theme Soph even though ive ever seen one episode :lol: I'll get a few into you :)

ETA: I thought it was Batman too lol
ha well I usually do a tv show and then a movie so I wanna try and alternate between the two to keep everyone happy so the The Dark Knight challenge will be next week. I just wanted to fit in a TV show before.

Sorry I confused you Nikky but this was only a last minute decision. I didn't feel it was fair on other (who may not have seen/or watched the Batman Movies) to do it twice in a row.

Yay!!! A "Lost" icon challenge!!! This is awesome. Expect some entries from me! :)

Just to clarify...we can use any cap from the galleries in the link?
Yes that's right any cap from the galleries in the link! :)
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Re: Icon Challenge #46 - Lost ~ Join Now!

You know, I might enter. I'm all out of cookies ... so expect some entries from me ... if you don't receive any by Saturday, remind me ;)
Re: Icon Challenge #46 - Lost ~ Join Now!

After much deliberation on which ones to enter, I've sent mine in! :)
Re: Icon Challenge #46 - Lost ~ Join Now!

Even though I've never watched the show, nor do I have the desire to watch the show I've sent some in! :lol:

Re: Icon Challenge #46 - Lost ~ Join Now!

Even though I've never watched the show, nor do I have the desire to watch the show I've sent some in! :lol:



I said the same thing when I entered my first challenge, I think it was Supernatural :guffaw: and I thought I'd watch an episode, so I caught an episode online ... and look at me now :rolleyes:.

I'll have to remember to enter something :)
Re: Icon Challenge #46 - Lost ~ Join Now!

Oh man forget to update numbers throughout the week, sorry I've been very busy with RL.

Enteries stand as follows:
3 beg icons
11 inter icons
12 advanced icons
7 140x140 icons

I'll have voting up in half an hour! So if anyone does have last minutes enteries for me get them in ASAP! :)