ICE-In Case of Emergency


BWA HA HA HA HA!!! I love this new show that's on ABC at 8:30 PM Central time. Jonathan Silverman, Kelly Hu, David Arquette and Greg Germann are HILARIOUS as 4 former high school friends that meet eachother 20 years later on a fateful night, finding out that their lives didn't turn out the way they thought they would...

Of course, for me personally, Kelly Hu, with her GOREGOUS face, hair and figure, and great comedic timing, is the BIG DRAW for me! Greg Germann is doing Richard Fish type stuff as the diet guru that fell off the wagon. And Jonathan Silverman seems to be echoing his Single Guy character, now as Divorced guy with son. David Arquette's main purpose on the show seems to be to hit on Lori Laughlin as an ER Doctor--I hope they give him more to do soon!

Anyone else like this show? :lol:
I watched the first episode and I agree it's pretty funny. I'll porbably watch the second episode when I feel like (God Bless Tivo).
Tivo is a mighty useful tool... especially to slow down and pause on the hot shot... :devil: Uh... What were we talking about? :eek:

ANYWAY... it's a show with potential--with Lost after it and Knights of Prosperity in front of it, ABC may give American Idiot... ERRRR... IDOL a run for its money...
Has this shown been cancelled, it hasn't benn aired in the last couple weeks and hasn't been advertised as coming back.
Lost has been trying to regenerate buzz, so they've been rerunning the previous week's episode at 8 PM and will do so this coming week. According to ABC, the show will return on Wednesday, Feb. 28th at 8:30 PM--it's the episode with Jane Seymour! RRRROOOOWWW!!! ;)
I watched Wednesday's episode and it had it's ups and downs. I thought they have defintly had better episdoes, hopefully now they'll keep it in it's timeslot and not show something else. It definitly has potential, give it a good chance and it will suceed.

Hankster I didn't think Jane Seymore was as hot as you made her out to be.

I prefer Kelly Hu.
Well, so do I (prefer Kelly Hu, that is!!!) Still, back in the 80s, she was hot, and for an older broad, she's still got it going on! She's a Cougar fer sure!

I think that last week's ep was a filler episode, though the strip club stuff with Seymour and the boob jobs making him cry were hysterical!
It looks like Seymour is finally moving on from his exwife, though I felt bad for Kelly's date ditching her for the mistaken kidnapping victim!

It looks like they're going to push Harry and Kelly together, which is what I thought they were going to do anyway. Still, I hope Kelly gets some guts back and stops performing *massages with happy endings* for money--that's just so degrading for such a hot woman to do...