I have a question!


So, I was watching NY, and I was wondering... Do Adam and Flack have any interactions at all? And if so, how often?

Just curious.
They were in some scenes together...the episode "Run Silent, Run Deep: but I don't think they talked and they were together in a scene in "What Schemes May Come". There may be others but I don't remember off hand but for the most part no...which stinks because they are my two favorite characters.
I remember the RSRD scene now that you mention it, when they're all standing outside while Danny hands over his gun and badge - but I don't remember the one in 'What Schemes May Come' or any others (not that I don't believe you, it's just that nothing stands out in my mind). I can't recall any decent interaction at all, though, which sucks. :(

According to spoilers, they will have at least one significant scene in the first episode of season five - let's hope that's a good sign. :D
I also question (now that I think about it) if they did in Snow Day, after Flack and the crew outside storm into the warehouse to rescue Danny and Adam...

But I'm really excited about season 5 and that spoiler.
I also question (now that I think about it) if they did in Snow Day, after Flack and the crew outside storm into the warehouse to rescue Danny and Adam...

Flack and Lindsay ran right past poor Adam to rescue their damsel-in-distress, Danny. So nope, not in "Snow Day"...poor Adam. :lol:
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Yeah, once Adam ran up and played hero, they forgot all about him. Poor baby! I bet Stella or Hawkes would have given him some attention. *pets the woobie*