how often?

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Police Officer
do you watch CSI? worked it out and on a normal week i watch 8/9 episodes!
i'm so looking forward to tomorrow because my parents are going away for the day and you know, absent parents = CSI fest! :D :D i'm gonna watch it ALL day with out interuption! :D how fantastic! :D
yes, so back to the question :p -
I don't remember the last time a day went by where I actually didn't watch an episode. Therefore I just say Over 10
If there is a new episode on Thursday, I will watch it (of course). I also watch a few on Spike during the week if nothing else is worth watching.
well it's on every day on some channel or the other here in the UK except thursday (but that's ok coz i get bones on that day so that keeps me sane :p) so i watch it whenever i can!
rollon tomorrow i say! :D
There's not a hell of a lot else on TV when I'm actually home so I just throw in a DVD been rewatching episodes from the beginning starting Tues. and am already on Season two
If theres nothing else on tv that I watch (like Desperate Housewives or ER) then i'll put CSI on. Or like i'll put it on after those shows.

Sometimes I stay up to watch repeats on tv too. Oh god so sad.

And on Tuesdays the new eps of S7 for me! ;) I put 9/10, once I did watch a whole half of a season in one day ;)
I voted '9/10'.

I'm able to watch at least one episode a day. Often I watch also the re-run in the night. So that makes ...oh..that makes already 10episodes per week. Plus the newest episode on thursday (and its re-run) and two episodes at weekends.

So that makes almost 15episodes per week. Damn.. I voted for the wrong point. ^^
I think one day I'm going to attempt to watch an entire season, 17 hours worth of CSI in a day, wouldn't that be grand!!!
Depends on how much life gets in the way :D Sometimes I don't watch CSI for days *gasp!* but then I'll have a little marathon with at least three episodes in a row.
Over 10. I'm incurably hooked. :lol: If Spike doesn't show reruns I pop in a DVD. I just have to see at least 1 ep a day.

Last few weeks I've been watching the DVDs, so at least 10. When I finish watching the dvds, however, I will probably go back to just watching the new episodes on Thursday's until the finale.
Gotta go with 10+.
SpikeTV airs at least two per weekday (and sometimes more) which I'm at least able to semi-watch while at work, plus the regular CBS thursday shows, plus if it's a slow weekend, I'll pop in a few Seasons 1-4 episodes on dvd (the only seasons worth re-watching)
I went with 10+ - with all of the spike episodes and the new thursday episodes, plus all of my dvds.. I definitely watch a whole lot of CSI!
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