How many times does Wolfe have to screw up...*ep 511 Spoilers*


... before he is fired?

In the latest episode ("Backstabbers") he sprayed too much Luminol on a piece of evidence and destroyed the DNA. He did so deliberately, in an effort to please a videographer who wanted a more dramatic shot. It was as though Wolfe had never been trained in evidence handling at all.

In a previous episode, Wolfe became overstepped his authority and got into an altercation with officers who were carrying out a legal eviction.

He has shown poor judgment by speaking to members of the media.

And after his being wounded with a nailgun, he disregarded medical advice in order to give associates the false impression that he was fully recovered.

Perhaps someone could explain how this guy is an asset to the Miami-Dade crime lab. In my opinion, if Wolfe worked for the Las Vegas lab he would have been fired by Grissom long ago.

edited by mod to add spoiler warning
Re: How many times does Wolfe have to screw up...*ep 511 Spo

Hi Bad_Bishop...I went ahead and edited a spoiler warning into your thread title, just as a precaution for those North American Time Zones that have may not yet have seen the 'Backstabbers' episode. :)
Re: How many times does Wolfe have to screw up...*ep 511 Spo

I guess a spoiler warning is a good idea. But who are we protecting? I saw it here at 10 PM Pacific Time--we're always last among North American viewers to see anything--except for folks in Alaska.
Re: How many times does Wolfe have to screw up...*ep 511 Spo

Then we'd be protecting the folks in Alaska. ;) And those in Hawaii as well, I believe.
Re: How many times does Wolfe have to screw up...*ep 511 Spo

No.I don't think so.If Ryan works in LV,this character will not be treated like that in MI.
Grissom conducts his students(or rookie) step by step and wisely.(just my opinion)^^
He knows how to lead them to the right direction.
Re: How many times does Wolfe have to screw up...*ep 511 Spo

Warrick screwed up with gambling multiple times in LV, still Grissom didn't fire him.

Though I agree Ryan did a stupid thing, I don't believe Horatio would fire him. I DO think Ryan shouldn't have accepted that camera crew to follow him. :rolleyes:
Re: How many times does Wolfe have to screw up...*ep 511 Spo

I agree with Dutchie, Horatio wouldn't fire him, unless it was a horrible mistake. The luminol thing was bad and stupid, but they still broke the case, without needing that information.

Ryan should never have let that idiot follow him. I think part of what was up with him in the episode was nerves. He didn't want to screw up again, and he just kept focusing too hard on not screwing up and not enough on just doing his job, and ended up screwing up again. I know nerves wasn't all of it, he was being a ham, too, but I do think it had something to do with it.
Re: How many times does Wolfe have to screw up...*ep 511 Spo

Wolfe seems to be a pet of Caine's he picked out of uniform so I don't see him firing him unless there's a case of major misconduct or foul ups. Wolfe seemed to have been smarter earlier now he just seems to ask Caine everything and has a complete disregard for anyone else's expert opinions.
Re: How many times does Wolfe have to screw up...*ep 511 Spo

I think we can safely agree that Ryan used poor judgement with the luminol. I doubt that Horatio would fire him over that though. Afterall, Natalia was still kept on board though it was revealed that she was the mole.

He's also got some big shoes to fill (and no, I don't need reminding about Speed's bad judgement in regards to not cleaning his gun). My point is that imo, I feel that Ryan is always in need of trying to prove himself to the team that he is indeed an asset.

I'm not excusing his actions though, even I yelled at the TV. He just had to have known what would happen. I've noticed though when people are on camera, they act differently. I think he learned his lesson though for next time.

Re: How many times does Wolfe have to screw up...*ep 511 Spo

I think Horatio would never fire him.
He's a main character after all. :p ;)

I don't like this storyline that he always makes mistakes. It makes no sense. After two years working you can't know anything, but you have a certain level of experience.
Ryan is not stupid. In Season 3 he was able to solve a few crimes alone.

I wonder if this will lead to something.
Re: How many times does Wolfe have to screw up...*ep 511 Spo

Well.. Ryan is _still_ human and humans do mistakes. I guess he just didn't think of it so hard... or didn't know. I guess it would have been different if they didn't catch Hector otherwise.

People do mistakes. It's human nature.

Of course H or Calleigh never do mistakes but they are closer to God :devil: :lol:
Re: How many times does Wolfe have to screw up...*ep 511 Spo

I agree that Ryan was obviously not thinking clearly when he sprayed the luminol. Even I know that messes with the DNA collection. :rolleyes:

I don't think H would ever fire him for something like that. I mean, he didn't fire Boa for being the mole (ugh :mad:), so if he fired Ryan for that, that would be totally unfair.

I hate to see Ryan making so many mistakes. I know people make mistakes, we're only human :p, but he keeps making stupid ones. Ones that he should have known not to make. He's been a CSI for 3 years now. I think it's unrealistic how much the writers have him mess up. He should know better. I really would like to know what was going through his brain when he sprayed that luminol. *is still confused*

To writers: Please stop with these storylines of him messing up. Everyone wants continuity, but why do you have to continue making him look stupid? Pick better storylines to continue with. Please.

Of course H or Calleigh never do mistakes but they are closer to God :devil: :lol:

:lol: That is probably true. :rolleyes:
Re: How many times does Wolfe have to screw up...*ep 511 Spo

ebonymist said:
I agree with Dutchie, Horatio wouldn't fire him, unless it was a horrible mistake. The luminol thing was bad and stupid, but they still broke the case, without needing that information.

Ryan should never have let that idiot follow him. I think part of what was up with him in the episode was nerves. He didn't want to screw up again, and he just kept focusing too hard on not screwing up and not enough on just doing his job, and ended up screwing up again. I know nerves wasn't all of it, he was being a ham, too, but I do think it had something to do with it.

I agree about the nerves. Before he did that thing with the luminol, he was talking the guy through the process. He sort of misspoke, and then repeated himself correctly right after that.
So tptb must have thought that nervousness was enough of an excuse for him messing up.