How did you get into CSI?

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Dead on Arrival
First of all, I apologize if this has already been done. I looked around and didn't see a thread like this, but I could easily have missed something.

Secondly, answering the subject line, I ended up in the hospital in July 2003 shortly after I quit my job (a long story, but suffice to say, I had a boss that I think makes Conrad look great). So after I got out, I was at home, getting better and I was channel surfing (on a Thursday most likely) and came across CSI. I had just seen "In Dreams" and really liked Paul Guilfoyle and when I saw he was on CSI, I watched it and have been watching it since. It also helps that I've always had an interest in true crime and forensics :)
Point, welcome to the board. When a thread hasn't been posted in over a week, it appears to have disappeared off the list of threads, but it is still on the board. At the bottom of the list, there is a drop down window that says, "Show active in the last week." You can change that to several other choices like "last 2 days," "last 3 weeks," "last year," and other options. That way, you can find older posts. Another way is using the search link at the top of the page.

There are some versions of this thread already open but not posted in lately:

What got you hooked? posted from 02/10/07 to 05/04/07.

who u got hooked on CSI (Who got you hooked on CSI?) posted from 02/18/06 to 03/04/06.

How You Discovered CSI posted from 07/29/06 to 04/19/07.

How did YOU become a CSI Fan??? posted from 05/16/05 to 11/23/05.

Over in the New York Forum, there is How did you start watching CSI:NY? posted from 04/17/06 to 05/28/06.
*gives Dynamo cookies* Thanks for finding those links. ;) I think How You Discovered CSI is the closest fit to this thread, plus it's one of the more recent older threads. :)

Since we've got links to established threads, I'll lock this one and we can continue the discussions there. :)
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