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Lab Technician
Just thought I'd add a thread for House fans.

The premiere is interesting, House in a mental facility is quite a concept...especially for a doctor. Almost reminds me of a phrase I heard once -"If you belive that you are crazy long enough - You find a way out"

I think it's mean for House to use his gift to advance himself outta there. But, then again that's House,LOL:lol:

Looking forward to more insanity.....
I thought the episode was magnificent. House in the "Treatment Facility." That was priceless all the machinations he went through to try and mess with the staff. And they were having none of it.

Then the previews for the next season look magnificent. I cannot wait.

There is a House thread, but it's fallen off the main pages. You can PM one of the mods for this forum and have them to bring it back up to the front page if you want....
^ Have to agree.

The show hasn't been on my radar in ages. Was unaware it was on tonight, didn't know it was 2 hours, hadn't watched much of him at all in recent seasons, didn't know the state of things with him or the show. Flipped the tv on randomly and left to deal with random shit ...and found myself getting absolutely and unexpectedly sucked in, right from the opening.

I watched. the whole. damned. thing.

It even made me make a mental note to keep it in mind again next week if I'm in. Was a hugely pleasant surprise, and really very good tv. I've been duly impressed and my curiosity piqued again. What else could ya want in a premier, or in tv at all.

And it did seem sorta odd. That there was no House thread :lol:.
I'm glad I'm not the only one.....And glad that there is a thread for the show.

I guess we'll continue in the original thread.

To be continued......
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