Horatio/Natalia pairing. What do you think???

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I love the scenes between Horatio and Natalia. Maybe it's just me but I feel like there's more chemistry there then there ever was between Horatio and Marisol. I felt like that whole Horatio/Marisol pairing was forced on us. I don't feel that way about Horatio and Natalia. So if Horatio and Natalia did start dating, I wouldn't mind...unless, of course, they got married after like 10 episodes. Then I might not be too happy about a Horatio/Natalia pairing.
I know there are still some of you who would like to see the character Natalia leave the show. I like her. I no longer feel like she's a useless character. And...So? She was the mole. :rolleyes: Big Freaking Deal.
Who hasn't made at least one BIG mistake in their life???
I'll share my BIG mistake...dropping out of school.

OK. Now I wanna hear what all of you think of a Horatio/Natalia pairing.
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