Horatio Deals With 'Guerillas In The Mist'

CSI Files

Horatio and his team must get a dangerous weapon off of the streets.

According to CSI Files sources, "Guerillas in the Mist" opens in the Port of Miami. Container ships and cranes form a maze of towering metal shapes. Eddie Guzman drives up to an old warehouse and heads toward the concrete structure. He carries a gun with him, and he slips it into his waistband before he slides the door open and enters the warehouse. Once inside, he walks toward Hector Fuentes and Pedro Verdugo. The two men are moving crates filled with guns from the back of a truck.

Eddie approaches Hector and pulls out his gun. He presses the barrel against the other man's face and tells him he's as good as dead. He demands to know if Hector was with his sister the night before, and Hector can't deny it. Rather than shoot him, Eddie starts laughing. He spins the chamber of the gun and shows both men that it was empty. He wasn't going to shoot Hector, but he made his point. Eddie isn't going to stand for it if his sister gets hurt.

Before they can say anything else, a loud noise gets their attention. The warehouse door is open, and Hector wants to know if Eddie brought someone with him. Eddie insists that he came alone. He heads toward the door slowly, holding his empty gun out as if it could protect him. He hears the slightest noise and stares into the shadows, trying to make out shapes. What he sees is a faint green glow in the darkness. Eddie points the gun at the hidden person, but before anything can happen, Eddie suddenly disappears. Where he was standing is nothing but air and bloody mist. The gun hits the ground since the hand that held it no longer exists. The only other sign that Eddie Guzman was standing in that spot is the pair of shoes still sitting on the floor.

There is an explosion of sound, but the men making the noise are still concealed in the dark. Hector starts to reach for the empty gun on the floor, but red dots appear on the weapon, and he knows that it won't do him any good. Before he can run far, the laser targets find him, and Hector is transformed from a man into a rain of bloody mist. Pedro drops to the ground and hides beneath the truck. He sees a pair of boots approach and has to make a decision. He tosses a small board he finds on the ground, and when the boots follow the noise, he dashes from underneath the truck and runs into a storeroom, closing the door behind himself. Just when it seems like Pedro might be safe, holes are blown in the door and light floods into the dark space, followed by a red dot. A man, silhouetted in that green glow, stands in the gap where the door used to be. When the laser target finds Pedro, more pink mist fills the air.

Horatio and his team try to make sense of the horrific sight in the warehouse. When a US Customs agent, Tonya Thorpe, shows up, she tells them that the raid was organized by Customs in tandem with the ATF. She is there to collect the weapons that were gathered from the scene. Their victims were gun runners who were preparing to sell weapons to the Middle East. Horatio asks her about the weapon that was used against the men--it was overkill, he says, and the gun itself is illegal. Thorpe seems uncomfortable with the outcome of the raid and admits that they contracted a private security firm to perform the operation: Peregrine Security.

Horatio and Tripp go to Peregrine Security and speak to the CEO, Steve Lancaster. He tells them that the deaths occurred during an operation sanctioned by US Customs and therefore were merely collateral damage. They aren't murders under the Patriot Act. Tripp asks about the illegal gun, a FireStorm. Lancaster excuses the use of the weapon because he claims to be looking at the bigger picture--protecting American lives overseas. Horatio isn't going to let him get away with murder, and he is determined to find the FireStorm and get it out of their hands.

A cigarette butt found at the warehouse leads them to Manuel Soto, the owner. Horatio asks him why he chose to hire criminals and implies that he knew about the gun running--Soto himself has a charge of gun smuggling on his record. Soto denies it, saying that his conviction was a misunderstanding over an imported antique pistol. Besides, he hires criminals because they'll get the job done and nobody will try to steal from them. Horatio isn't convinced, and he gets a phone call that makes things even more complicated: Steve Lancaster has been murdered, and the FireStorm was stolen from his SUV. That weapon is loose on the streets of Miami.

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

"Guerillas in the Mist" is expected to air December 10 on CBS.<center></center>