Hill Harper

CSI Files

<p>Season five of <i>CSI: New York</i> has delved deeper into the character of Sheldon Hawkes than any season before it, exploring both Hawkes' romantic past and his deep sense of integrity when faced with personal challenges on the job, from an old friend asking for an unethical favor to making a stand when a colleague calls in sick with the blue flu. <font color=yellow>Hill Harper</font> shared his desire for a romance for Hawkes in the future and what he likes best about the character with CSI Files' <font color=yellow>Kristine Huntley</font>, as well as his enthusiasm for the show and his outside projects--including a third book. Some spoilers ahead!<p><b>CSI Files:</b> You're finishing up season five of the show! How is the rest of the season looking?<p><b>Hill Harper:</b> Fantastic! I think that it has been one of the best seasons. It's been a joy. I think the writing has been great. The storylines have been really interesting. I've been really captivated by a lot of the episodes. I think they've been great--extremely well written. My mom calls me after every episode airs and she's really just excited. Every time she calls me, she says, "The writers are doing such a great job! All these storylines are so interesting and complex and entertaining." So that's a really nice affirmation.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> This has been a really great season for Hawkes--it's really opened him up a lot as a character. And we even got to see some of his romantic past in <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/newyork/season5/help.shtml">"Help"</a>. Did you enjoy getting to explore that?<p><b>Harper:</b> I thought that was great. The more love interest material they can give me, the better! I think it's great and I love it!<p><b>CSI Files:</b> That was obviously a more serious storyline given the fact that Kara had been raped while she and Hawkes were dating. What did you draw on to bring out the more emotional side of Hawkes?<p><b>Harper:</b> It's great because we're all actors on the show and we like to be able to play different emotional realities in different circumstances, but at the end of the day, it's a show that's a procedural. So when those opportunities come along you really relish and enjoy them as an actor because you can draw upon other things and very personal experiences. In my book <i>Letters to a Young Sister</i>, <font color=yellow>Gabrielle Union</font> wrote the forward and she talked about when she was raped as a younger woman and talked about her experiences. The young women that I meet across the country at book signings and things have talked about their experiences with violence and being in relationships in different settings. All of those things affect me in the real world and in real life, and certainly to portray a character that has feelings and is in a romantic relationship with someone that had been a victim of abuse on that level was just a really wonderful challenge and something that I'm proud that I got a chance to play.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> How do you think Hawkes coped with the dissolution of that relationship? Do you think he got over it, or do you think it's always haunted him?<p><b>Harper:</b> Over time, in his relationships I think that subtextually is pretty clear. He never says it and I don't want to spoil anything, but there is a situation where it [is evident that it] clearly had an effect on him. Before the season is over, he mentions it again. It's definitely had a real effect on him.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> Mac (<font color=yellow>Gary Sinise</font>) and Hawkes clashed a bit when Mac caught Hawkes staking out the suspected rapist in the episode. Did you like how that played out? Did you think Mac was right or did you sympathize with Hawkes more?<p><b>Harper:</b> That scene with Mac actually is one of my favorite scenes I've done on the show. It's very well written. There are a lot of givens there, a lot of layers to the scene. There's the professional element of overreaching or perhaps doing something that's not appropriate professionally and I think that both Mac and Hawkes take their professions very seriously. I think they're both very proud of the fact that they maintain a level of excellence in terms of their work. I think that's kind of born out--many of the characters come to Hawkes for their answers because he's really on top of his game when it comes to doing his work. He's very professional, and obviously Mac Taylor is the epitome of professionalism, so there's that layer. But then there's also the friendship layer--I think these two people are friends and I think that in a certain way Mac Taylor is a mentor to Hawkes. They've also developed a friendship and a collaboration, having worked together for such a long time, and a mutual respect. And so you have the layer of the professional not wanting to make a mistake professionally, to do something out of bounds, but at the same time wanting to protect a friend, but also wanting to be honest with a friend, to say, "You know what? This isn't right. It's messed up. Something's wrong here." Just being honest and being frustrated, wanting to do something but feeling hamstrung in a way. I think that scene played out really well and that really came through.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> Were you at all bothered by the fact that we didn't get to see Hawkes' reaction after the rapist was caught?<p><HR ALIGN="CENTER" SIZE="1" WIDTH="45%" COLOR="#007BB5"><p>To read the full interviews, please click <A HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/interviews/hill_harper5.shtml">here</A>.<center></center>
Great interview! I always love seeing interviews, and interviews with Hill are even more awesome. ;)

I loved Hill's insight into the episode with Kara, especially the way he built off the real experiences of people he knows and that he's met. I also loved his insight into everything else, but I found that part particularly interesting. :p

Harper: ...I think there's only been one time in the whole five seasons when maybe it was a group of us at the end of an episode, and I can't remember if Hawkes wasn't included in it or something like that--I don't remember.
I'm pretty sure he was with the team at the end of "Heroes" - was he with them at the end of "Fare Game"? I think those are the only two episodes with the team at the end that I can think of...

CSI Files: So you want some more love for Hawkes, basically?

Harper: I love playing those elements because having positive, healthy relationships portrayed on screen--I love that. Particularly I like the idea of breaking stereotypical images--seeing an African-American man who's intelligent, hardworking but also has a healthy love interest. I think all of those things are really positive, reinforcing imagery, which I really support.
That's definitely something I think we all need to see - and it's something I'd love to see with Hawkes. :adore:

CSI Files: Here's hoping season six brings a good relationship for Hawkes!

Harper: Why can't we have the people on CSI Files start a rallying call for love for Hawkes in season six? The writers seem to be responsive to what the fans demand, so if we could get some folks behind this rallying call for Hawkes to get some lovin', maybe it will happen! Everybody deserves loving and we've seen other characters settling down.
Done! Now go forth and demand that Hawkes get some lovin', you guys! :D :D :D

(Also, maybe send feedback to CBS? What are some ways y'all can think of to get the message to TPTB that we want to see some lovin' for the good doctor?)

CSI FIles: We've heard there's a big death in the finale! Can you shed any light on the effect that's going to have on the team?

Harper: I don't know!

CSI Files: It's not Hawkes, is it?

Harper: I don't know! I seriously don't know. I hope it's not me! ... I don't know much about the death--it could be anybody! I'm being really honest about it--I have no idea.
Either this was before the spoilers came out, or TPTB is definitely having their stars try to keep it secret.

Unless there's more to the story than what we have seen in the spoilers, I think Hawkes is safe...but I'm paranoid. ;) I can't help it, though - until the season finale airs and we see that Hawkes comes out of it safe and sound, I'm going to worry about him. *clings to him and protects him* :p

Harper: ...I really like the relationship built over time, the friendship, between Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) and Hawkes. I think it's a really great friendship of mutual respect--there's some ribbing and kidding there, but also a real friendship.
I enjoy the friendship between them as well, and I'd love to see it explored further. :) One thing I think this show definitely needs is more exploration of the platonic relationships between the main characters.

And more scenes with Adam and Hawkes geeking out together, but maybe that's just me. :p :p :p

Anyway - once again, great interview, Kristine! And thanks to Hill for taking time to do an interview with CSI Files! I'm looking forward to seeing what's in store for Hawkes as the show goes on, and I'm also looking forward to his new book. Congratulations on everything, and keep up the good work, Hill! :D

Oh, and by the way:

Harper: ..."I'm not married yet."
*cough* I can help out with that little problem. ;) I kid, I kid. :p
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Glad you liked it!

Re: the season finale...this interview was conducted last week, before the spoilers broke about the twist in the finale. Though, the cast might not be up on the spoilers the way we are. :lol: And I can see why, even if they were, they wouldn't want to ruin the storyline for the average viewer out there. No one wants to give away a big plot twist in an interview! :lol: Alas.... ;)
^^Ah, ok - well, even if he had given it away, I probably wouldn't trust him. :p Until the episode airs, I'm going to remain suspicious...and worried. :lol:
Great interview, Kristine! :) I love reading interviews with Hill Harper, he seems like such a great, and interesting, guy. And yes, Hawkes definitely does deserve some love.
I loved this interview! I always love it when you interview Hill. He is so thoughtful in his responses, and seems to think a lot about the character and where he should be going. Gotta love a man who puts so much effort into his work. :thumbsup:

Oh, and by the way:

Harper: ..."I'm not married yet."

*cough* I can help out with that little problem. ;) I kid, I kid. :p

Erm, I've been saying for years that I'd leave my husband for Hill. :drool:
I always find it amusing when people say TPTB listens to "the fans." Obviously they're only listening to a small but vocal segment of "the fans." :rolleyes:
I always find it amusing when people say TPTB listens to "the fans." Obviously they're only listening to a small but vocal segment of "the fans." :rolleyes:

I don't think it's so much that they dictate storylines based on what the fans want as it is that they're aware of what the fans have to say. We did get storylines for Flack and Hawkes this season, something people have been clamoring for in the NY forum for quite a while, so that's very cool! I don't think they can address everything or cater to everyone, but it's nice to know that they pay attention to what the fans have to say.
It's a win-win situation for everyone, isn't it? The fans are happy because they feel they are not completely disregarded and that what they say can make a difference, even if it's small and in the long run, while TPTB are provided with invaluable, immediate feedback once the episodes are released.