Help! What episode is...

the one where mac gets puzzles that having missing pieces in it that represent important pieces of his life?

or even better
at the end of that episode what rock does he look at?
The season 4 episode One Wedding and a Funeral is when all of the puzzle boxes are found and assembled. I'm pretty sure that's the episode you're looking for. :)

The rock might be a piece of limestone from the Alamo. I'm not entirely sure if it was the last one he found though, sorry.
Hope this helps anyway :)
The season 4 episode One Wedding and a Funeral is when all of the puzzle boxes are found and assembled. I'm pretty sure that's the episode you're looking for. :)

The rock might be a piece of limestone from the Alamo. I'm not entirely sure if it was the last one he found though, sorry.
Hope this helps anyway :)

thanks so much i appreciate it
If anyone is able to let me know which episode has Lindsay doing Mac's tie, I would be incredibly grateful. Assuming it happened and I didn't dream it up of course. My imagination is getting the better of me these days :eek: