Help me identify a movie (director)


I'm looking for the name of a movie director. If you know the movie only that's fine, I can look it up from there. I know one of his movies was a surfing/crime movie from a few years ago, the earliest it could of been is 2000/2001. I think he may have directed a James Bond movie but I'm not positive. Finally I think one of his movies had an XX as part of the title.

I know the director was arrested for working as a male prostitute and he offered sex to an undercover cop.

I'm sorry if this isn't enough information but it's all I have.

I think you are looking for Lee Tamahori...he directed a James Bond Movie, was arrested for male prostituion and directed a movie called xXx: State of the Union.

Hope I helped...if this is the person you are looking for.