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Ok so I've been searching forever like over a year for this episode and I've asked all my friends, and searched like everywhere, please I hope someone can shed some light on it for me.

So I don't know which series of CSI this episode is from, but I THINK it's Las Vegas

Anyways so what happens is that this woman wakes up in the hospital and her daughter is dead, and she doesn't know how. They invesitgate and all that and they originally think its the pizza guy, but it turns out that the pizza guy just came over to bring them free food because the family was poor and such.

Ultimately, it was discovered that the woman took her daughter and jumped off the balcony because the social services was going to take her away, but the social services man molests her daughter so she didnt want that to happen so she tries to kill them.

Also, what I remember was that the girl in charge of this case, was emotionally attatched because she grew up poor, and she said something along the lines of "you don't know what it's like to go to school without a lunch"

Please please PLEASE help me with this.

Thanks you in advance.

I know the episode, it's not CSI show. It's Cold Case. I remember watch it, mother took her daughter and jump from her window, she thought social worker was coming back for her daughter, it was the pizza guy behind the door. She does remember at the end and she don't want to, they can't charge her for that, they put her in the home and she don't want to go back to her family and I can't remember why, she said something about her father molest her too and she can't forgive him for that and she don't trust nobody. Yes, Social Worker got charge for molest so many children in the past before her daughter. He is a creep.
Cool beans - since the question was answered (and it's not about CSI), I'm going to go ahead and close this thread. :)
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