

Head of the Swing Shift
Premium Member
I haven't noticed any other threads on this new show, so I thought I'd throw this up and see if anyone else has been watching. It's also a good way to gauge if the show is going to last, if there aren't many people interested! :lol:

It's loosely based on a Stephen King story called The Colorado Kid (that much at least seems to be providing an overall background story arc for the show, a the main character attempts to discover who her mother was, and all she has is a newspaper clipping with her picture and a reference to The Colorado Kid"). Basically, a small east coast town (very Stephen Kingish) seems to be besieged by strange phenomenon, or "the troubles". An FBI agent comes to town on the trail of a killer and ends up getting caught up in the continual local mysteries and decides to stick around and help out the local sherrif's office (while she searches for info on her mother on the side).

Anyhoo, I sort of like it, even though it is clearly still trying to find its momentum. As always, some episodes have been better than others, but overall I'm really enjoying the characters and the dialogue. Decent acting as well, I think.

Anyone else watching this? This show and Warehouse 13 have sort of become my summer viewing staples! :lol:
I watched 20 minutes of the pilot and was pretty annoyed by the acting, but I have all of them on the DVR, so I'll probably watch if I get desperate for something.
The last episode felt weirdly disjointed. I can't put my finger on it- must have just been bad writing or editing or something? Other than that, still not minding it.