Has Anyone ever audition for a episode or would like to ....


Lab Technician
I was just wondering has anyone ever audition for a part of CSI?? And if so would you rather be the victim or the killer?

I will love to be in it or at least audition for it but too bad i dont live in L.A but if i ever audition for it ill audition for the killer part because i think they get the most spotlight. :devil:
Re: Has Anyone ever audition for a episode or would like to

I would love to do either or. But Hollywood has a problem with people overweight so i dont think i would ever get a part.
Re: Has Anyone ever audition for a episode or would like to

I'd like to be the suspect that ends up being innocent. A nice, happy medium :)
Re: Has Anyone ever audition for a episode or would like to

I would want to be the killer, but everyone thinks I'm innocent at the start just because I'm a young teenage girl. Then, the evidence starts pointing to me, and I end up being the killer.

Re: Has Anyone ever audition for a episode or would like to

I wouldn't have the guts to go to an audition and anyway I would be utterly useless as an actress as I would laugh all the time and totally go fangirly within a 100 metres of the main CSI cast ...............
Re: Has Anyone ever audition for a episode or would like to

Sure, I'd love to audition for an episode of CSI (Las Vegas) :D

I'd like to be a corpse :cool:
I'm not sure they have auditions for corpses, though :confused: :lol:

ANYway. Play dead. I can do that. Not very difficult. And no lines to learn :rolleyes:
Re: Has Anyone ever audition for a episode or would like to

I'd love to play dead.

But I'm ticklish. It probably would end with me giggling and rolling off the table.
Re: Has Anyone ever audition for a episode or would like to

Yeah, and how can you play dead and stay perfectly still for hours when William Petersen is in the same room? ;) IMPOSSIBLE. Waaaayyyy too disturbing ... I mean, I'd be constantly looking at him ... I think they'd end up firing me for not being able to close my eyes during the shots :lol: :lol:

I'd also be gaping and drooling all over the autopsy table
Re: Has Anyone ever audition for a episode or would like to

I'm starting to worry about some of you members. All of you wanting to be killers are making me wonder if you've actually have/or will committ to it. ;)
Re: Has Anyone ever audition for a episode or would like to

ive always said its my dream to be a corpse on the show, but im changing my answer now. and not just because thinking of scaring abc makes me laugh :p
i want to be the killer. why? not because they get more screen time, oh no. well, it's not so much the amount of screen time, it's who that time is spent with. i can picture myself being interrogated by nicky, and id be difficult i tells ya. id be one of those seductive, flirty types.
hmmmm, now that i think about it. sometimes nicky is in the morgue during autopsy. and thats probably the only time george eads would ever see me naked.... :devil:
Re: Has Anyone ever audition for a episode or would like to

I don't want to be a killer, but maybe a suspect! I can be a musician or a poet since I like doing both.
Oh...and any part that has Warrick right beside me is cool! :cool: ;)
Re: Has Anyone ever audition for a episode or would like to

i always wanted to be a corpse, but i would also like to be a killer...
maybe i could be a corpse on CSI, and a killer on Miami or NY
Re: Has Anyone ever audition for a episode or would like to

I would like to be in a love scene with Calleigh, but Emily has that restraining order out on me. :devil: But since my memory is bad, I would have trouble learning lines. So I guess that I would play a corpse on any or all of the three series. With enough makeup on, I would not look my usual handsome self. :rolleyes:

Wouldn't it be great if one episode had a guest cast composed entirely of members of this board? With all the word of mouth promotion we give them, that's the least they could do.