Greg & Riley #1- Grey: 'Cause He Thinks She's Lucky

:) Even though Riley isn't on anymore, we still have the DVD's and Spike to give us our Hair Pullers fix, ha. Making it sound like we're junkies.

I mean, could it be too much to ask for a little scene of maybe like Greg talking on the phone to Riley? Anything? Or at least for someone to wonder how she's doing?

I was thinking that if she was still there, that she'd be making some funny comments on the whole abandoned rib place catastrophe.:lol:
Jessica_Lynne; said:
I was thinking that if she was still there, that she'd be making some funny comments on the whole abandoned rib place catastrophe.:lol:

I totally agree. I like Riley (although I was on the fence about her almost all season) for her snarky-ness. Sort of like Flack on CSI NY. :)

That's why she and great are great for each other. He can take the snark and dish it out too.

I can see them having great fights, very passionate. Then of course they would make up. ;) :evil:
Okay, so I was watching season one clips and something dawned on me. I laughed and couldn't help myself but think of Riley when Greg was talking to Nick about his date with the 'Intelligent, blonde, green eyed girl' while checking out her DNA. Even though they didn't know each other back then.
I just think young Greg and Riley together would be adorable.
Ha, I feel my plot bunny stirring up a story.
ROFL, just because Riley's gone doesn't mean my love is. :lol:
:lol: I never thought of that scene. Aren't Riley's eyes blue though? Or maybe they are bluish green? I dunno... but for a fic you could always have it to where Greg was dreaming of her face before he ever met her. And then of course he's floored when he first meets her, but hides it well. :lol:
I really want to have a scene with at least Greg talking to her on the phone or mentioning her to someone because I don't think just because she left, doesn't meant they can't keep in touch.
Plus, they don't work with each other, so if anything long distance happened between them, it wouldn't be breaking any rules:)
Plus, I've been itching for Greg to have ANY kind of love interest.
I've actually been having an idea for a fic about them, having something to do with Greg's inherited 'psychic ability'
The plot bunny loves to take over my brain. :evil:
I just hope that my ADD won't get in the way of this idea :guffaw: