Gossip on Google/Usenet Groups *Potential Spoiler*

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This post was something I found on the Google CSI discussion group and the individual claimed to have 'inside sources' so here is the message as posted on Google/Usenet.

```````````````````````````````````````Start Quote
Sources say network executives are upset with petterson's late demands for more pay and more control over the writing. He is rumored to be demanding they allow him to exit his contract without penalty. It seems the network is more interested in spending $100 to save $1.
All this was based on WP's rage at the love plot with he and sarah. He was very upset, he said it was an old crutch that shows use and it so predictable. His complaints are that the show was suppose to 'break the mold' not 'grow mold.' He is expected to finish '07 but he has demanded to not be written out in the typical manner. Being killed off, retiring from the lab, those scenarios do not interest him. He has indicated he wants to end the show where they begin to investigate a serial murderer for 3-4 episodes with the ending being that HE is the serial killer. With a few well chosen final 10 minutes where he explains that the best way
to improve csi's was to make them jump hoops and rack their brains. Nothing was settled but the serial killer exist plan was the one the disliked the most which may be why he is holding onto the idea. If I tell you the source it would take someone at the network about 60 seconds to figure out who it is and fire them perhaps sue them into bankrupcy.
Take the information or not. Your choice.
`````````````````````````````````````````End Quote

Most of us here who really pay attention to the show and the news items surrounding it, have never heard anything like this kind of talk/behavior coming from Mr. Petersen even when he's admitted to having disagreement with the producers. Anyone here have any source that can make any sense of such nonsense?
I apologize for posting from other sources and for possibly posting in the wrong area.
Re: Gossip on Google/Usenet Groups

how reliable is that source?
that doesn't sound like WP at all
Re: Gossip on Google/Usenet Groups

I'm adding a possible spoiler tag to the title and moving this thread to the Vegas forum, since it only relates to the original show.

However, that sounds exactly like what the title says: gossip

Moved to the CSI forum
Re: Gossip on Google/Usenet Groups

hhunter said:
how reliable is that source?
that doesn't sound like WP at all
This was my feeling as well. There has been the usual disagreements between Actors and producers, but WP never seemed to be a kind of person to throw 'tantrums' which is just what this sounds like. As to the source I've no idea where this person on the alt.csi newsgroup claims to get his information from an 'insider' and says this person could get fired and the like, in their message. I never heard that either WP or Jorja Fox had any regrets in showing Gil & Sara begin a romantic relationship, in fact, they seemed delighted to do so and WP even picked out his casual hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts for the scene. Doesn't sound like someone who didn't want to take the show in that path. I have no idea who the 'source' is or where the 'information' came from.
Re: Gossip on Google/Usenet Groups

Faylinn said:
I'm adding a possible spoiler tag to the title and moving this thread to the Vegas forum, since it only relates to the original show.
However, that sounds exactly like what the title says: gossipMoved to the CSI forum

I never said it was anything but gossip, I just posted this because I thought tht if anyone knew the truth it would be here. Those here who run this site do so with dignity and class, as well as having respect towards the actors, writers, ect. That is why I brought this here, to either confirm or deny the validity of the so-called 'information'.
I never meant to offend anyone here or those involved with CSI, a show I really love and will continue to support as long as it remains in production.
My apologies to anyone here that I might have offended here on CSIFiles, this was never my intention ever to do so.
Re: Gossip on Google/Usenet Groups

I think Fay was agreeing that the title is correct that its gossip. Not saying anything against you.
But there is a thread set up about WP If Grissom Leaves After 2007 *No Spoilers* What I think I will do is lock this down and link it over to that thread. But I think you will find your answer or at least your answer to the "Gossip or truth" in that thread.

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