Good deeds


Alrighty. In stead of all sad, bad, depressed threads with news of things that go bad I thought it was time to have a great positive thread! A thread about the small good deeds that are done by us or to us that makes this planet worth living.

From holding a door to a life saver... All is welcome. Write down those good deeds and have a positive influence on the people around you!

To start with from yesterday:

A woman from the other side of this country got lost in my big city. They are busy on the roads here and that is why she got lost. No satnav/gps and only a print out from the route she had to take and already driving around about an hour in my neighbooorhood I decided to look up the street were she had to go and get in my car and so she could follow and took her there. After a big thank you (a few big thank you's) I got on my way to kung fu practise...

Then I broke up a fight. Two kids were fighting and yet again everyone was just watching how they beated each other up. They were like 11 or 12. And nobody had the guts to end it. Well, I kinda do it automaticly or something. I dunno. They shaked hands and they were pretty good again both!

Kinda got through the bureaucracy of school. They cancelled a minor and I went to school there to follow that particulair minor. And I noticed yesterday that there were some people that were working very hard on a exception so I could go do my thing when I go do my minor. So thanks for those teachers that do care and aren't just doing it for the money. The teachers that really care for their students!

Now your stories! Even if someone has helped you also let it know
I just do the small stuff. Help old people in the bus/train or if they drop something, pick it up.Like few weeks ago in cafe, one old lady who had hard time walking and had stick, she dropped her gloves and I picked those up for her.
Or then mothers with babies, so they get on the bus and off the buss.
Well I do community service as a part of DOE (Duke of Edinburgh awards) so today and yesterday I helped out at the SPCA and RDA :)
Next year on the 15th of July, myslef and 15 of my friends from uni are going to Kenya, South Africa for a month to help within the comunity there.

We will be helping build a school and provide resorces fr them as the Kenyan Government recently made primary education free for all; but they didn't provide any extra resorces for them. So one school went from havind 40 children to over 500 overnight.

We will also be doing wildlife concervation and helping the farmers over there grow plants for medicinal purposes.

It's a month long trip (and we have to climb up Mt Kenya -- meep) but it wil be a life changeing experience and I really can't wait.

Gotta go raise more money for the trip. :)
I let a number of people get off the bus before me yesterday, posted a letter for an elderly gentleman and payed the difference on the postage, I always hold doors open for people.
I took our neighbour's dog back round to their house after it just, turned up in our garden. I moved further back on the bus so an elderly lady could sit there instead.
In the giftshop at the hospital, the little girl in front of me didn't have enough to buy her chocolate bar. I gave her the 50 cents she needed.

I copied my history of art-notes for a sick classmate and brought it over to his house.

Also, I didn't curse when this lady hit me in the face with her umbrella and left me with a nasty cut. Does that count as a good deed? :D
Yesterday, I got out of work and was walking to my car and this poor woman in a walker was trying to cross but no one would slow down. So I got traffic to slow down and helped her across. I always do those kind of simple things. I like to do my share.