Go To 'The Happy Place'

CSI Files

It's no day at the beach.<p>According to CSI Files sources, the second episode of <I>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</I>'s ninth season will be called "The Happy Place". The episode opens with Sprig Greniger in her apartment at night. She's making a roast, but she's munching on a carrot at the same time. She's thin and pretty and seems to be in a happy mood as she hums, the news playing on the television in the background.<p>Sprig roasts the meat in the oven and then starts to eat her own dinner: a crappy, microwave diet meal. Her cell phone rings and she moves to answer it. A short time later, Sprig goes into her bedroom and gets undressed, reaching for a new bikini on a hanger and ripping off the price tags. She puts it on and admires herself in front of the mirror--clearly, she sees flaws that other people wouldn't see.<p>Sprig walks out of the bedroom, a dreamy look on her face as she drags a beach towel behind her. She wanders past the television as a weatherman tells viewers the next day will be in the triple digits. Opening the door, Sprig steps out onto the balcony and looks at the city lights sparkling against the dark backdrop of the night sky.<p>Meanwhile, on the street below, a city bus is chugging along. A young man finally gives in to the glares he's getting from a group of women. He stands up and offers his seat to the oldest woman, who takes it and smiles. The young man is feeling pretty good about himself, but suddenly there's a loud crash. The bus is jarred and the young man loses his balance. The ceiling of the bus bows and windows shatter as something lands on the roof with tremendous force.<p>Outside the bus, it becomes obvious what landed on the roof. Sprig is sprawled on the metal in her bikini, dead but beautiful. Nick and Catherine work the case. They need to figure out why a bubbly young woman who was about to get married would take a swan dive. Their case gets more interesting when they find out that Sprig was fired from her job at a bank for stealing $10,000. They also learn that she was undergoing hypnosis to lose weight in order to look her best in her wedding dress. Meanwhile, Grissom and Brass look into the brutal death of Diana Bonfilio. Her head was bashed against the pavement in an alley, and her eyes were gouged in. The case gets more frantic when they find out she had her two-year-old daughter with her when she died.<p>Sara is still in town, and she goes to visit an old friend, Thomas Adler. Thomas first appeared in <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/csi/season1/too_tough_to_die.shtml">"Too Tough to Die"</a> during the show's first season. His wife Pam was raped, beaten and shot, but she survived. She's been in a vegetative state for all these years, and Thomas finally pulled the plug. He tells Sara he prayed every week for God to end his wife's suffering. Meanwhile, the entire team must deal with their grief over Warrick's loss. Nick even imagines that he sees his old friend on the street, but it's merely a stranger.<p>Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown. <p> "The Happy Place" is expected to air in September on CBS.<center></center>
Sprig? What an odd name...

Anyway, this sounds interesting, mostly for the Sara bit. Revisiting that particular storyline from season one is a great idea, it was such a strong, powerful and interesting storyline for Sara back then and I'm excited that they will be touching on it.
Elsie....I thought the same thing about the name :lol:

I think that the part about Nick seeing Warrick is interesting and i'll be looking forward to seeing how the scene turns out. However I've never seen Season 1 as I started watching CSI quite late but I wonder if when Sara goes to visit Thomas then they'll give you plenty of clues so you can grasp the story line without seeing the episode :D
Great continuity, if this is indeed true. It might indicate that someone has to consider 'pulling the plug' on Warrick. 'Too Tough to Die' was a great episode. And this may be Sara's way of dealing with Warrick's situation. Maybe Sara will turn out to be a Victim's Advocate. I think this would be very much in character with Sara and Jorja Fox. 'The Happy Place' doesn't sound so happy though.
Nick even imagines that he sees his old friend on the street, but it's merely a stranger.


It was done once, I'm not sure I'll buy it being done a second time.

I probably won't see this episode but it has an interesting premise.
Sounds like an okay episode, but I wish Greg had been in the spoilers. Looks like we won't see much of him in this one.
i really didn't like 'too tough to die'...not looking forward to the continuation. Ulg, all that drama of Sara leaving was pointless, she was barely gone. And why does she get her own storyline, when Greg gets nothing :rolleyes:
You know, I'm REALLY ticked off by the fact that the writers have insisted upon using Warrick's death as an excuse to bring Sara back. Not only that, but they might as well change the name of the show to "CSidle," given the fact that they've focused on HER so dang much!

The fact that George, Eric, William, Marg, and everyone else who does not answer to the name Jorja Fox are still part of the show, is the ONLY reason I'm going to watch season 9. Because quite frankly, Sara and this GSR nonsense has sucked any enjoyment of the show right out of my veins.

Thank you SO much, Carol Meddlesome and David Rambles for cramming GSR and Sara down the throats of people who hate both the relationship and the character. We really appreciate being ignored and stepped on, so you can cater to the GSR/Sara Sidle fan bases. Why don't you rip out our internal organs, throw them in the blender, and hit puree while you're at it? That'll make things REALLY fun for us!
I, for one, am shocked that Sara will be around for more than an episode, but am pleasantly so. This is not what I expected at all, and I still remember the first time I watched "Too Tough to Die" and just bawled my eyes out. I have a tough time with violence against women, which is why my husband suggested I not watch "Strip Strangler" back in the day.

"Sprig" sounds quite interesting! I mean, the character sounds bonkers, but I can't wait to find out why. Just the juxtaposition of the beautiful roast she makes, yet she eats the microwave dinner. She preps for a day in the sun as the stars twinkle above. Quite intriguing.

Thanks for the info.
One of those "middle-of-the-roaders" chiming in. Was never really wild about the idea of a relationship between Grissom and Sara, but given that they made that choice, I felt they handled it about as well as they could have. I've found myself surprised at how much I miss Sara. Not to the point of not enjoying the show without her, but watching the repeats on Spike, I realize how much I enjoyed the dynamic she added to the show (with the exception of Season 5), when the writers tried to turn her into this dark, twisted character. So I welcome her return for whatever time she'll be around. Returning because of what happened to Warrick makes sense; it would make a whole lot less sense if she didn't return. I don't doubt that all the other characters will get their time to shine, as has been the case in the past. It's a long season. If there are no more strikes, that is.