Gilmore girls


Unbelievable that there is no thread about Gilmore Girls here! :eek:
Next to the CSI's the best show on t.v. (but that's just my oppinion)
So for other fans of Gilmore Girls, come and chat about it here :)
Unbelievable that there is no thread about Gilmore Girls here! :eek:
Next to the CSI's the best show on t.v. (but that's just my oppinion)
So for other fans of Gilmore Girls, come and chat about it here :)

Well, I have to say thta Gilmore girls is one of my favorite shows.
I'm following it from the first episode, and I still haven't missed one.
I'm jealous, I started watching somewhere in the 4th season :( I was immediatly in love with it.
I just love Lorelai, Rory and Luke :D
I'm jealous, I started watching somewhere in the 4th season :( I was immediatly in love with it.
I just love Lorelai, Rory and Luke :D

Really, how come? Because I have to tell you, first 3 seasons were quite something. I think 2nd one is my favorite. I loved Jess in that season. ;)
I never took the time or the interest at that time to watch, I regret that afterwards of course.
I think Logan is cute, but he is kind of a rich sleeceball
I never took the time or the interest at that time to watch, I regret that afterwards of course.
I think Logan is cute, but he is kind of a rich sleeceball

Oh, yeah. I don't like his character. Although he was supposed to be a good guy, he ended up being the spoiled little brat. And I really think Rory started to act like one also.
Yep me too, he is a spoiled brat but he does look cute.
Rory isn't thinking clear anymore
So sad for Marty that she turned him down
Yeah, I liked Marty...he was a sweet guy. And was also cute to the eye. Maybe they will bring him back, since Rory's goding back to Yale.
I love GG.It's one of the my fave!! I started to watch the THE PILOT episode..and now we are in season 4 in TURKEY'' I love lorelai!! she is so adorable!! and I'm a huge LORELAI-LUKA fan!! they are very cute together!!
Yeah but her mother is such a B*tch for sending Christopher at Lorelai
I love al those funny comments of Lorelai, she is so the opposit of Luke who is so grumpy :lol:
Macayla, you started the thread huh?!

I started to watch Gilmore Girls somewhere in the middle of season one and immediately loved it. Lorelai is adorable and Rory is great too. But I like Lorelai most. She is so funny and seems that she is permanently high :lol:. Must be the coffee ;).
Here in Germany we can see season 5 now. We are at the beginning about 5th episode. Finally Luke and Lorelai are together. They make such a cute couple.
Logan is cute I agree but he doesn't have much screentime now. But he seems like a brat yeah. A rich brat but goodlooking :lol:.
Nobody mentioned Michel, Sookie and Lane now. So I have to huh?! I love Michel's sarcasm. He is funny.
I almost forget Paris. Well, that's not a big surprise. I like her at least of the characters.
Gilmore Girls is awesome! I adore Lorelai SO much and I hate Rory. I cannot stand her at all. I love it that Lorlai and Luke are finally together; It was meant to be! We all saw it in the first episode. Okay, I'll stop blabbering now...
Gilmore Girls is awesome! I adore Lorelai SO much and I hate Rory. I cannot stand her at all. I love it that Lorlai and Luke are finally together; It was meant to be! We all saw it in the first episode. Okay, I'll stop blabbering now...

I've loved Luke & Lorelai since the first episode I saw too. I hope L&L get married soon! And Rory sometimes annoys me, but I've noticed that it's probarly Dean's doing (can't stand Dean).
Macayla, you started the thread huh?!

I started to watch Gilmore Girls somewhere in the middle of season one and immediately loved it. Lorelai is adorable and Rory is great too. But I like Lorelai most. She is so funny and seems that she is permanently high :lol:. Must be the coffee ;).
Here in Germany we can see season 5 now. We are at the beginning about 5th episode. Finally Luke and Lorelai are together. They make such a cute couple.
Logan is cute I agree but he doesn't have much screentime now. But he seems like a brat yeah. A rich brat but goodlooking :lol:.
Nobody mentioned Michel, Sookie and Lane now. So I have to huh?! I love Michel's sarcasm. He is funny.
I almost forget Paris. Well, that's not a big surprise. I like her at least of the characters.
Yes I did :D
I could I forget Michel, he is hilarious with his dry sarcastic comments, I just love him, with that french accent :lol:
Trust me Mestiza Logan is getting more screentime ;)
Oh I just so not like Paris, it looks like she is always onder the influence of speed (the drugs :p ), she is so hyperactive and always blabbering.
Lane is one of my favourite's to be she doesn't appear that often :( and I just can't stand Dean
I would like to have more screentime for TJ too, I just love him, he is sooo funny and weird. Remember his wedding with Luke's sister. He was grazy about his tight's :lol: