Gary Sinise May Take 'New York' Lead

CSI Files

The leading candidate to head the cast of CSI: New York is a respected film actor with a prominent background in the theatre.

<FONT COLOR=YELLOW>William Petersen</font> (Gil Grissom) isn't packing up his DNA kit and heading to the East Coast, but his friend from the 1980s Chicago theatre scene, <font color=yellow>Gary Sinise</font>, could soon be dusting for fingerprints in the Big Apple. According to the Hollywood Reporter, Sinise has been in "on-again, off-again" discussions with the CBS network to star in the second CSI spin-off.

The trade paper reported talks had stalled earlier last week, but gained momentum on Thursday and Friday. Variety was more circumspect, simply stating that the network "remains in early discussions" with Sinise. The actor's representatives declined to comment on the talks.

CSI: New York will focus on two principal characters, in contrast with the previous CSI series, which have had fairly large ensembles. The series will debut in the second-to-last episode of CSI: Miami's second season, just as the Florida spin-off was introduced to viewers in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation's "Cross-Jurisdictions". The Big Apple series is likely to be filmed primarily in Los Angeles with trips to the East Coast for location shoots, but that is not yet set in stone since New York public officials are lobbying for the show to be filmed there (story).

Just like William Petersen, Gary Sinise is primarily known for his work on the big screen, with his portrayal of Dan Taylor in Forrest Gump earning him Oscar and Golden Globe nominations. Although he has never had a regular role on a TV series, Sinise has made his mark in mini-series and telefilms, winning Emmy and Screen Actors Guild Awards for George Wallace and a Golden Globe for Truman. His other film credits include Apollo 13, Ransom, The Green Mile, Snake Eyes and Of Mice and Men.

The original news can be found here at the Hollywood Reporter. CSI: New York will debut this fall on CBS. Thanks to <font color=yellow>Ziggy Spence</font>.<center></center>
Yee-hah! Gotta love those Texan Csis!!! Hope he takes it...I could listen to him and George Eads all day...and night if it came to it!! :lol: :D
Texans are cool, yes they are. I think he would do a good job, lets just hope they don't name his character Dan or George, which were his characters names in Forrest Gump and Of Mice and Men respectively, because I would never get those characters out of my head.
I think so too. It kinda suits him, not sure what his surname would be tho'. Haven't managed to think of an appropriate one yet. Any suggestions?
I think that his name should be Caleb Sutton, Ethan Brecht, or Caleb Shawe.

I know I'm a new person, but i think its a good idea. :)

How bout the name Sutton James? That sounds good to me! :D
Interesting suggestions, but I 'm not sure Gary Sinise would suit the name Sutton. He may end up being called Sutty which reminds of Sooty the orange and black hand puppet used to entertain kids over here! LOL I don't think I'd be able to take it seriously.

I really do think Ethan is a good strong name for a strong-jawed Texan like Mr Sinise! What about Ethan Taylor? Or Ethan Masters? I'm trying out different ones but haven't really come up with one that really suits him. :)
So they're going to the few character format now? That kind of sounds like what they did with Law & Order. In the original, there was the lieutenant, two detectives, the D.A., and the assistant D.A.'s. Then, SVU had a million detectives and an ADA. And CI had two detectives, and some rarely seen other characters.
Posted by Shardyk:
So they're going to the few character format now? That kind of sounds like what they did with Law & Order. In the original, there was the lieutenant, two detectives, the D.A., and the assistant D.A.'s. Then, SVU had a million detectives and an ADA. And CI had two detectives, and some rarely seen other characters.

Give it a few more spin offs, and we'll end up with a crime fighting SUV, and an underpaid Ethiopian.

Hey, I could live without another spin off but nothing I say or do is gonna change the fact that there is going to be one so I'm just going along for the ride and trying to make the best out of what could possibly turn out to be a bad situation!
Posted by iMat:

Give it a few more spin offs, and we'll end up with a crime fighting SUV, and an underpaid Ethiopian.


We'll call the SUV; Ronald and the Ethiopian...ethiopain, actually, I think the suv would be extrememly funny, I'd watch it...jsut for the suv..

amanda :devil: